Dienstag, 30. Juni 2009

Simba's grand-kids....

Heute ist wieder Erinnerungstag. 9 Monate ohne Simba. Hier oben das ist nicht Simba, aber die Kleinen sind wahrscheinlich ihre "Enkel", die letzten Samstag geboren wurden. Es waren 6, eins hat es nicht geschafft und starb gestern. Die Mutter lebt auf dem Grundstück, wo eins der direkten Nachfahren von Simba aufwächst, ein mittlerweile 5 jähriger Rüde, der auf den Namen Alpha hört und so aussah, als wir ihn damals abgaben....-

Today it's remembrance day, exactly 9 months we have been living without Simba. On the photo above it's not Simba, but the pups are very probably her "grand-children" , born last Saturday. 6 in total, but one didn't make it and died yesterday. The mother lives at the place with Alpha, one of Simba's kids who grew up there, now already 5 years old. It is there wherehe got his name. He looked like that shortly before we gave him away to live at that place....

Wie oft er schon vorher Vater wurde, weiß wohl niemand so richtig, und noch ist es auch viel zu früh, etwas zu sagen. Erstmal hoffen wir nur, dass die Mutter und die Kleinen sich erholen, sie sind etwas schwach, die Mutter hat Probleme sie zu stillen...Also erstmal nur Daumen halten...!

How often he has already fathered before, nobody really knows, and it is still too early to say something but we hope that the mom and the little ones will hang in, she has problems feeding them and the pups seem to be weak...So cross your fingers...!

Photo credits: Mariana Meunier (1)

2 Kommentare:

  1. I hope they all do okay. It would be great to find that they really are Simba's grandchildren.

  2. I have really bad news, until now only one has made it so far, I just got the message....I am really sad about it.Maybe I should have waited with my posting but I was so excited when I heard about the pups...As to the question if these are/were Simba's grandchildren, it is more or less positive as the female was nonstop together with Alpha, Simba's son.No other males on the territory, that's what my spies have said...
