Already on Monday Mercedes got to her new home, all went smoothly and without any problems. Just 3 hours between getting into the crate and out to investigate her new indoor enclosure.
"She has settled in very well and we're looking forward to seeing her explore her outdoor enclosure which, at around four acres, is one of the largest polar bear enclosures in the world."
A crate used for moving rhino was modified to transport the bear by road and was allowed time to settle into her new surroundings before the public unveiling. ...(full story here)Noch ein Foto aus Edinburgher Tagen, Mercedes ist nicht nur eine gute Jägerin, sie liebt es auch tropisch...Hier verspeist sie eine Kokosnuss...-
This photo was taken in Edinburgh, Mercedes is not only a huntress , she also likes coconuts...
Wir sind sicher, die Wölfe werden staunen, sobald sie Mercedes zu Gesicht bekommen...-
So, whenever Mercedes will meet one of the wolves, I think they will be really in for a surprise...
Source: - BBC incl. audio part
Photo credits:
-All photos from the move belong to a detailed photo set of the free lanced Scottish press photographer Aaron Seddon, who was so kind to allow showing them here, please check for more of his photos of Monday here...
-Mercedes with coconut in September & Highland wolf by Avro Vulcan - Again many thanks!!!
-Old polar bear enclosure by unknown photographer
Hallo Birgit,
AntwortenLöschenes ist einfach nur toll zu sehen, dass die alte Dame, ihren Umzug gut überstanden hat. Ich hoffe, dass wir auch weiter von Mercedes Eingewöhnung in ihre neues Zuhause in Wort und Bild informiert werden.
LG Ulli