Samstag, 1. Mai 2010

"Operation Peilsender"...Putin in Franz-Josef Land

Und schon wieder Herr Putin, diesmal geht es um eine russische Premiere in Sachen Peilsender, ein tête à tête mit einem Eisbären sowie Fehlern in der Vergangenheit...Hier gleich 3 Artikel und ein Video zu Putins stark mediatisierter Aktion am letzten Donnerstag. Den Link zum dt. Artikel verdanke ich Uli von World of Animals, vielen Dank dafür!-

And again Mr. Putin, he seems to become a regular in the K-Files...This time it's about satellite trackers for polar bears and mistakes in the past...
Here 3 articles and a video concerning Putin's last arctic activities, the link to the German one I got from Uli/World of Animals which stresses also via slide show Putin's liking to present himself as nature guy ...(Thanks,Uli! )
Vladimir Putin shakes hands with polar bear and calls for clean-up of the Arctic

"Vladimir Putin has visited the Franz Josef Land archipelago, where he was briefed on the work of a research expedition studying polar bears that was organized by the Severtsov Institute for Ecology and Evolution of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Assisted by the researchers, the prime minister put a satellite collar on a polar bear and shook the paw of the “master of the Arctic.”
Researchers told the prime minister that this was Russia’s first experiment on using satellite transmitters for observing polar bears.
The program is funded by the Russian Geographical Society and envisages preserving and restoring the polar bears’ population. Researchers will gather information on the animals’ habitat, their movements and population as well as on the factors that have an adverse impact on the bears.
Vladimir Putin emphasized that the Franz Josef Land alone had almost 60,000 tons of fuels and lubricants, some of which spill and pollute the environment. He called for a general clean-up of the Arctic. The prime minister added that other countries that have their interests in the region should also join the clean-up."

Putin tags polar bear for Russian Arctic research project

"Prime Minister Vladimir Putin gave Russian scientists a hand on Thursday, putting a satellite collar on a polar bear during a trip to Russia's Arctic.

Putin traveled to Alexandra Land, one of the islands of the Franz Josef Land archipelago in Russia's far north where scientists are studying the movements of endangered polar bears.

He was shown putting the device on a bear that researchers had caught in a special trap.

Satellite collars allow scientists to follow the migration of animals, observe their daily and seasonal movements and identify habitats.

"Habitation is getting more and more difficult because of the melting ice caps. It is important for us to know the movements of the polar bear, how it reproduces and how it rears its young," Putin said.

He said the Russian government has stepped up efforts to protect the endangered species.

"An international law banning the hunting of polar bears came into force in 1973-74. In the 1990s cases of poaching increased but now we have put things back in order."

Russian polar bear specialist Nikita Ovsyannikov said populations were under stress because of the changing habitat, melting ice and reduction in food sources.

"It's difficult to count the bears because they live on the ice, but we can record increased mortality," Ovsyannikov said.

He said the melting ice was forcing the animals to move to dry land, where there is less for them to eat and they become more vulnerable to poachers.

The deputy director of the Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Vyacheslav Rozhnov, said research into the redistribution of polar bears is being carried out in the United States, Europe and now, for the first time, Russia. He said it is essential to track the movements of the bear to increase understanding on how it may be helped to survive.

"The reduction of the ice sheets, caused by climate change and human activities, is bringing about a global redistribution of polar bears, but no one knows how it is happening," Rozhnov said.

Russia's research into conservation of polar bears is made possible by a 1 million ruble ($34,000) grant form the Russian Geographic Society.

Rozhnov says the findings of the studies should be an incentive to preserve conditions for the survival of polar bears. Currently there are an estimated 6,000 polar bears in the Russian part of the Arctic of a total of 25,000 worldwide."

MOSCOW April 29 (RIA Novosti)

Der Macho der Nation: Putin jagt Eisbären

"Der russische Ministerpräsident Wladimir Putin präsentiert sich bei ungewöhnlichen Ausflügen gern als kerniger Naturbursche. Diese Geschichte ist um ein Kapitel reicher.

Wladimir Putin hat eine neue Kostprobe seiner Berufung zum Abenteurer gegeben. Als Öko-Krieger half er Wissenschaftlern in der russischen Arktis dabei, vom Aussterben bedrohte Eisbären aufzuspüren und mit Peilsendern zu versehen. Angetan mit einem roten Mantel und roter Mütze kniete sich der 57-Jährige neben den Kopf eines betäubten Eisbären, dem ein Sender angesteckt wurde, und half dabei, das schwere Tier zu wiegen.

Putin schüttelte die Klaue des Ungetüms und sagte: «Lass es dir gut gehen». «Es ist wichtig, dass wir wissen, wie sich der Eisbär fortbewegt, sich fortpflanzt und seinen Nachwuchs grosszieht», sagte der Staatsmann. Während seines Besuchs auf Franz-Josef-Land rief er ausserdem dazu auf, die Tausenden von Spritfässern aus Sowjetzeiten, die die Region verschmutzen, zu entfernen.

Der russische Ministerpräsident präsentiert sich bei ungewöhnlichen Ausflügen gern als kerniger Naturbursche. Um auf den vom Aussterben bedrohten Schneeleoparden aufmerksam zu machen, liess sich Putin im vergangenen Jahr in der sibirischen Tundra in einer Astgabel ablichten. Im Baikalsee brachte er bei einem Tauchgang schon eigenhändig einen Peilsender an einem Beluga-Wal an. (bru/AFP)

Und hier auch noch das Video dazu...And here the video...

- Der Macho der Nation:Putin jagt Eisbären/Basler Zeitung 29.04.2010 (siehe auch Fotostecke zum Thema 'der kernige Putin')
Putin tags polar bear for Russian Arctic project/RIA Novosti 29.04.2010
- Vladimir Potin shakes hands with polar bear.../RIAN 29.042010 Video on YouTube

Related postings:
- Eisbären in Russland...Putin und ein Arktischer Nationalpark/06.04.2010
- Eisbären mit Gebietsansprüchen...The Russian Arctic/06.04.2010

2 Kommentare:

  1. Obviously this is something of a publicity stunt, but it was a fabulous video in terms of seeing the landscape and habitat of the bear.

    In Canada, they don't seem to sedate the bears so heavily. Although the bear did open her eyes briefly, I'd be a little concerned that she'll wake up safely.

  2. I had the same impression of publicity stunt, Diane, it seems that Putin works hard on his image as environmentalist...

    Anyway the Arctic Russian National Park is sort of important and when it helps to stabilize or even increase the polar bear population, I am all for it (as long as he does not get a polar bear as gift - did you see the photo in the slide show of him and the tiger cub which he got for his 56th birthday...???!).

    I was surprised to hear that satellite collars for polar bears have been put for the first time by Russian scientist.

    By the way, in the new thread you find an article about a polar bear hybrid which was shot in April by a hunter in NWT...I found the article when I was looking for some news about satellite colar tagging in Canada...((

