Montag, 15. November 2010

Brand in Karlsruhe....In Erinnerung an 26 Tiere...In Memoriam

Photo: Pim de Klerk

Photo: Pim de Klerk

In Erinnerung an 4 Shetlandponys, 2 Sardische Zwergesel, 8 Alpakas, 6 Afrikanische Zwergziegen und sechs Walachenschafe, die bei dem Brand in Karlsruhe am frühen Samstagmorgen verbrannten...

In memoriam of 4 Shetland ponys, 2 Sardinian dwarf donkeys, 8 alpakas, 6 African mountain goats and 6 sheep - of a species close to extinction- who were killed by the fire on Saturday morning...

In Gedenken an 26 liebe Tiere...
Photo: Nirak

Mehr Fotos in Erinnerung an die Tiere des Streichelzoos, die so tragisch verbrannten, finden sich bei der fotocommunity, dort haben mehrere Fotograf/inn/en ihre Fotos miteinander verlinkt, wenn man auf eines clickt, kommt man zu anderen eines Fotografen. Danke, Pim, für diesen Hinweis!

More commemoration photos of the animals who had to die so tragically can be found here on fotocommunity, Pim was so kind to post the link in one of his comments. The photographers have linked their photos together so that when you click them you will see more of each photographer.

Auch Jens hat den Zoo Karlsruhe nach dem Brand besucht. Vitus geht es gut. Das Eisbärgehege liegt auf der anderen Seite des Geländes, man kann nur hoffen, dass die beiden Eisbärinnen, die sich im Rückzugsbereich befinden, nicht zu viel von den Ereignissen mitbekommen haben.-

Jens too has visited the zoo after the fire, Vitus is fine, the polar bears are living on the other side of the area where the fire broke out.It is hoped that the ladies have not had too much disturbance.

Wie es den Elefanten nach dem Brand geht, dazu gibt es einen Bericht vom Zoo.

Three of the 4 elephants, Ilona, Rani and Jenny, the 3 females, are still suffering from their burns and need constant monitoring. During the rescue operation they had been very calm, as two of them had a circus past, they were used to fire which might have helped them not to panic.

As the elephant house has to stay closed for the time being, the elephants are kept, due to weather and health condition, in the outer enclosure."Why?"/Photo: Gabriele Benzler

Zwei Spendenkonten wurden eingerichtet -
Donations are urgently needed as the damage amounts to several hundred thousand Euro...

Spendenkonten "Soforthilfe Streichelzoo"

Badische Beamtenbank
BLZ 660 908 00
Konto Nr. 347 532 91

Sparkasse Karlsruhe
BLZ 660 501 01
Konto Nr. 130 000 05

In case of donations from other countries please find here the international account details:

IBAN-No. : DE92660501010013000005
BIC-No.: KARSDE66 (evtl. mit xxx auffüllen/for the blanks left fill in xxx)

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