Mittwoch, 15. Dezember 2010

The master of the snow:Commander Sedov & a very beautiful Aurora

Photo: Zoo Roev/Krasnoyarsk

Am 29. November wurde Commander Sedov 8 und sein Zoo im sibirischen Krasnoyarsk hat sich da wirklich etwas Tolles einfallen zu lassen, Sedov's größte Fans, die Kinder, kamen um zu gratulieren, es wurde gemalt und gereimt und ein Quiz gab es auch...Ein Gratulant kam extra aus dem Rehabilitationzentrum "Rostock" und es sieht so aus, als sei er es, der mal kurz in die Rolle des Kommanders schlüpfen musste, oder war es doch etwa der Zoodirektor Kulakov selbst?

Photo: Zoo Roev/Krasnoyarsk

On November 29 Commander Sedov turned 8 and he had a very special birthday party with kids congratulating him, drawing pictures, writing poems...a quiz was organized for them and they had to reply to questions like "Who is the master of the snow? Who is the biggest predator?How do polar bears hunt for prey in the Arctic?..." A representative came from the social rehabilitation center "Rostock" and it looks as if it was him to play Commander Sedov on that occasion, or had it been the zoo's director Mr.Nikolai Kulakov himself...?

Und hier ist der Commander....- And here he is, the Commander...

Photo: Zoo Roev/Krasnoyarsk

Und dann gibt es ja noch die beiden Mädels, die als Waisen nach Krasnoyarsk gebracht wurden und die ihr öffentliches Debut im Mai hatten...-

Remember the orphaned twin sisters found in the wild? They had their public debut in May 2010.
At 6 months in August...(source)

Hier ein wunderschönes Foto von Aurora, einer der beiden Schwestern...Neuere Fotos von ihrer Schwester hab ich leider nicht gefunden, auch nicht, ob sie sich überhaupt noch in Krasnoyarsk befindet...-

Here a beautiful photo of Aurora, one of the sisters. No recent pic of her sister so far, I am not even sure if her sister is still with her, I am waiting for a reply...

Aurora at Krasnayarsk Zoo in December/Photo: Reuters

"Aurora, a ten-month-old female polar bear, shakes off snow at the Royev Ruchey Zoo in Russia's Siberian city of Krasnoyarsk December 7, 2010. Aurora is one of two female wild polar bear cubs which were found in Russia's Taimyr Peninsula on the coast of the Arctic Ocean in early May and were later housed in Krasnoyarsk zoo. Aurora, a ten-month-old female polar bear, lies in the snow at the Royev Ruchey Zoo in Russia's Siberian city of Krasnoyarsk December 7, 2010. Aurora is one of two female wild polar bear cubs which were found in Russia's Taimyr Peninsula on the coast of the Arctic Ocean in early May and were later housed in the zoo in Krasnoyarsk."

Sources & photo credits:
- Commander Sedov's birthday at the Royev Ruchev Zoo/ in Russian & English more pics in gallery
Aurora & sister at 6 months/August 2010
- Aurora the ten month old female polar bear at Krasnayarsk/Daily Animal 07.12.2010
- Thread on Knutitis concerning the orphaned twin sisters
- The two four months old cubs at the Royev Ruchev Zoo/HowWhyPediaCom 13.05.2010
- Zoo photos of the twins

Auf nach Sibirien zu Commander Sedov/ 16.10.2009

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