Samstag, 12. Februar 2011

Boat ride for Rothschilds...A February Story

Giraffes boat ride in Kenya
Photo credit: Samatian Island Lodge/AP

Vier Jahre Planung brauchte es, 8 Rothschild Giraffen in Kenia über den Lake Baringo dorthinzubringen, wo 70 Jahre zuvor ihre Heimat war. In 2 Gruppen , 4 Kühe und 4 Bullen, ging es zum Ruko Game Conservancy, einem Reservat an der östlichen Seite des Baringo-Sees.
Man hofft mit dieser ungewöhnlichen Maßnahme, es ist das erste Mal, dass Giraffen auf diesem Wege in Kenia transportiert wurden, zur Vermehrung dieser bedrohten Tierart beizutragen, von der es nur nuch wenige Hundert wildlebende Exemplare gibt.

Abenteuerlich genug sehen diese 4 Segler auf jeden Fall aus, diesen Langhälsen dürften nur wenige Artgenossen widerstehen können...:))

In this photo taken Feb. 7, 2011 and released by the Northern Rangelands Trust, endangered Rothschilds giraffes are seen aboard a barge to cross Kenya's Lake Baringo
Northern Rangelands Trust/AP

"They are more used to plucking leaves from tall trees with their feet firmly on dry land.But these adventurous giraffes looked every part the sailors as they floated across a lake.

The eight giraffes were being ferried from Lake Baringo in Kenya to the native habitat they had vanished from 70 years ago.
It was the first time that giraffes have been transported across water in Kenya's history.And they made sure that they kept their head for heights by peeking above the boat's parapet to watch what was happening.

Two boats holding conservationists
sailed alongside the large raft that held the giraffes to keep the boat steady. Several more animal workers boarded the former landing craft to keep the giraffes calm as they crossed the water.

Eight of the animals, who number only a few hundred in the wild, were shipped to Ruko Game Conservancy in two groups of four.The 8 Rothschilds giraffes, also known as Baringo giraffes, were composed of four males and four females, and prior to their boat trip, the 8 giraffes were released into a holding pen for a week to make them adjust to their temporary environment.

Apparently, the success of the 90-minute journey of the giraffes and the whole project hoping to increase their production took four years in planning, which was supported and executed by Northern Rangelands Trust and the Safari and Conservation Company.

Ian Craig, director of the Northern Rangelands Trust, said giraffes were some of the most difficult animals to move. Lake Baringo has become famous for its wildlife.The Ruko Game Conservancy is on 19,000 acres of land on the eastern shore of Lake Baringo."

- 8 giraffes on a boat ride.../Batangas Today 11.02.2011
No need for a crow's nest: Giraffes keep lookout as they are ferried across river to their old stamping ground/Daily Mail 10.02.2011

1 Kommentar:

  1. Diese Fotos mit den bootreisenden Giraffen gehört zu meinen absoluten Lieblingsbildern dieses Jahr, leider scheint es ein wenig untergegangen zu sein...

