Ein paar Fotofunde zum Sonntag...-
Just for the fun of it, some pics for Sunday..
Just for the fun of it, some pics for Sunday..
Photo: Sergey Gorshkov
Young Kamchatka bear fishing,
here it's the salmon which is in motion..))
Photo:Sergey Gorshkov
Here both of them are...
Der Fotograf Sergey Gorshkov hat sechs Jahre damit verbracht, Bären zu folgen, die auf Lachsjagd gehen, in Seen paddeln und die Wälder der Kamtschatka in Russland durchstreifen, die Heimat von mehr als 18.000 Bären. Es ist eine bedrohte Habitat, deren Lebensgrundlage für die Bären durch Wilderei in bislang nicht gekanntem Ausmaß bedroht ist.Mit Hilfe von auf Gemeindebasis operierenden Projekten, die durch die Vereinten Nationen finanziert werden, hofft man die Wilderei zu begrenzen.
The photographer Sergey Gorshkov has spent six years following bears as they hunt for salmon, paddle in a lake and walk for miles through forests in Kamchatka, Russia, home to more than 18,000 bears, a fragile habitat threatened by unprecedented levels of poaching which is hoped to be cut down by funds of UN development programs operating on community-level.
First tentative steps towards standing upright
Wildlife photographer Steven Kazlowski, who caught the moment from a nearby boat, said: ‘The bear was trying very hard to stand up and keep its balance.
‘Young bears are always trying to stand and get a better look at what’s around them, as their mothers do, but they are incredibly unbalanced.‘This curious and overexcited cub was trying to get a better look at us as we passed a few yards away on the skiff.’
Kazlowski, who specialises in images of polar bears, took the amazing pictures from Bernard Spit, a narrow strip of land extending from Northern Alaska.
But bears impress also with diving qualities
Here it's Aurora at Cleveland Metropark Zoo...
A very different kind of activity could be seen in Seaworld Queensland lately...
Leading to intense encounters...
Liya & Hudson
Photos: Kit de Guymer source
More about the Getting-in-the-mood campaign with the help of an erotic bestseller created for Liya can be found on Ulli J's blog including the links of origin...
Liebe Birgit,
AntwortenLöschendanke für die bärischen Grüße und den Hinweis auf die Story bei Ulli.
Bären-Kamasutra braucht dieser bärische "Swingerclub" offensichtlich nicht zu studieren...
Bären und überhaupt alle Tiere, die sich gelegentlich mal auf die Hinterbeine stellen, finde ich immer besonders anrührend und ich glaube, Knut wusste um die Wirkung dessen auf sein Publikum.
Herzliche Grüße
I love these photos. Thanks fo sharing.