Sonntag, 18. November 2012

Sonntagsausflug....Bears & Boats

Young Grizzly seen at Katmai National Park in Alaska

Heute ist Sonntag und deshalb beschäftigen wir uns heute mal mit Bootsausflügen. Nicht nur in Alaska gibt es Grizzly Bären, die wie oben Lust auf eine Bootspartie haben. Auch Sergey Gorshkow traf einen in Russland, doch es sieht ganz danach aus, als ob er seinen Ausflug verschieben musste.-

Today is Sunday and what better thing to do than a boat ride? Not only in Alaska there are grizzly bears with a liking for outings like this. Sergey Gorshkow met one too in Kurile Lake in Russia, but it looks as if this one had to postpone his boat trip... .

Photo: Sergey Gorshkow

Photo: Sergey Gorshkow

Photo: Sergey Gorshkow

Kurile Lake, in Kamchatka, Russia

This fishing camp is brown bear territory and and dogs live there in the summer to guard territory.Bears like to investigate the boats. They used to be made from rubber but that was changed after bears would pop them with their razor sharp claws. The bears are the boss here and there is constant conflict with the guard dogs.

Russia has the largest brown bear population in the world, and the grizzly is one of the most widespread, well-known and popular animals in the country. With more than 100,000 brown bears in existence, Russia has as many brown bears as the rest of the other countries combined. Five subspecies of brown bear are found throughout Russia, with the European Region north-west of Russia, Kamchatka peninsula and the coastal regions of the Pacific having the highest density of these animals.

Five subspecies of brown bear are found throughout Russia, with the European Region north-west of Russia, Kamchatka peninsula and the coastal regions of the Pacific having the highest density of these animals.
The Grizzly bear is not a vicious animal and prefers in the main to stay out of the way of humans, but when an attack occurs it can be lethal, as bears are so huge and  their claws so sharp.
While many dogs will instinctively harass, or at least annoy, grizzly bears they come across, the size of this one might have put off many. But it looks as though these two have no fear at all.

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With more than 100,000 brown bears in existence, Russia has as many brown bears as the rest of the other countries combined. 
Five subspecies of brown bear are found throughout Russia, with the European Region north-west of Russia, Kamchatka peninsula and the coastal regions of the Pacific having the highest density of these animals.
The Grizzly bear is not a vicious animal and prefers in the main to stay out of the way of humans, but when an attack occurs it can be lethal, as bears are so huge and  their claws so sharp.
While many dogs will instinctively harass, or at least annoy, grizzly bears they come across, the size of this one might have put off many. But it looks as though these two have no fear at all.
19 juli

Would you bear-lieve it? Huge grizzly swims across a lake looking for food only to be scared off by two pint-sized guard dogs

1 Kommentar:

  1. Liebe Birgit,

    schon die Einleitung Deines heutigen Beitrages hat mich erheitert - Bootsausflüge mit Bären sind wirklich das Sahnehäubschen für einen entspannten Sonntag - einfach herrlich!

    Bären sind unglaublich neugierig und selbst wenn etwas nicht essbar ist, hat sich die Untersuchung des Objekts gelohnt.
    Letztens sah ich ein Video, in dem ein Eisbär in aller Seelenruhe einen Motorschlitten zerlegte, in dem aber gottlob nieman saß...

    Liebe Grüße
