Donnerstag, 31. Januar 2013

Bärenzauber im Winterschlaf....Bear Powers during Hibernation

The den of Lily the Black Bear in 2010

It is hibernation time for lots of bears at this moment, in this context please find here an older article about self-healing in Black Bears during hibernation.

Wundersame Heilung im Schlaf

Während sich Bären im Winterschlaf befinden, zapft ihr Körper offenbar den molekularen Jungbrunnen an. Verletzungen verheilen ohne Infektionen oder Narben. Wie die Tiere das bewerkstelligen, ist unbekannt.

Zoologen aus Minnesota und Wyoming verfolgen das Verhalten der ansässigen Schwarzbären seit 25 Jahren. Erst kürzlich fiel ihnen die außerordentliche Regenerationsfähigkeit der Tiere auf: Wie die US-Forscher im "Journal of Integrative Zoology" schreiben, hätten die Tiere vor dem Winterschlaf oft tiefe, entzündete Wunden, verursacht durch Schüsse von Jägern oder durch Kämpfe mit Artgenossen.

Doch ein paar Monate später seien diese regelmäßig verschwunden. Kaum Narben, keine auffälligen Spuren, nichts. Bemerkenswerter Weise nicht nur dann, wenn die Forscher die Wunde gesäubert und mit Antibiotika behandelt hatten. Die Heilung scheint von der medizinischen Versorgung gänzlich unabhängig gewesen zu sein. Experimente bestätigen das: David L. Garshelis von der University of Minnesota fügte 14 Bären zu Beginn ihres Winterschlafes kleine Hautschnitte zu. Im März, kurz vor dem Erwachen, waren sie verschwunden. "Das ist überraschend, denn während des Winterschlafes ist der Metabolismus verlangsamt", so Garshelis gegenüber der BBC.

Aus der Humanmedizin sei bekannt, dass mangelnde Energieversorgung und niedrige Körpertemperatur die Wundheilung hemmen, nicht fördern. Doch den Bären scheint der Sparflammenmodus nichts auszumachen. Garshelis: "Die Bären dämmern sechs Monate dahin und verlieren keine Muskel- oder Knochenmasse. Ich vermute, dass auch das eine spezielle Anpassung an den Winterschlaf ist." Sie gilt es nun zu analysieren. Die, wie es so schön heißt, "medizinischen Implikationen" sind naheliegend.

June's cub in den Autumn 2011 

Bears use hibernation to regenerate their wounds without a hint of scarring

When bears go to sleep for months at a time, their heart rate, metabolism, and body temperature drop to almost nothing. Despite this, their bodies apparently go into overdrive in other areas, healing wounds so that they're good as new.

This really should be impossible, considering most mammals pretty much lose the ability to heal wound effectively the moment their body temperatures start to drop. And yet somehow American black bears use hibernation as the time to heal all wounds, unleashing a supercharged immune response that erases all hints of infection and injuries. In their new paper, researchers from the Universities of Wyoming and Minnesota explain how they made this remarkable discovery:

"We identified a few animals each year with injuries resulting from gunshots or arrows from hunters; bite marks from other bears or predators. These wounds were considered to have been incurred some time before the bears denned, and were often infected or early winter. Yet typically, when we revisited bears in their dens a few months later, most wounds had completely resolved whether or not we [cleaned them], sutured the areas or administered antibiotics."

The researchers were then able to confirm these results experimentally by tracking cuts on a small group of bears over a few months. The bears all entered hibernation with the wounds still in evidence, but by the time they awoke the wounds were gone, there was no sign of infection, and generally there was only the slightest wisp of scar tissue, if anything. Otherwise, it was as though the cuts had never happened - even hair had started to regrow over the wound. Exactly how bears pull off this healing trick is still an open question, but the researchers hope that their secret might be adapted to help humans better heal from their wounds as well, although hopefully without having to sleep for six months, of course.

Lily's den in January 2013

Auf diesem Foto kann man eine kleine Feldmaus in Lily's Höhle erkennen, ob Mansfield, wie sie von Freunden der Lily Updates genannt wurde, ähnliche Selbstheilungserfahrungen kennt, ist (noch) nicht bekannt...))-

On this pic one can see a little field mouse in Lily's den, if  Mansfield as she was named by fans of the Lily Updates, knows similar self-healing experiences is (not) yet known..))

- Schwarzbär-Höhlenfotos aus den Northwoods inkl. dt. übersetzte Updates zu "Lily the Black Bear" von Lynn Rogers und Susie Mansfield im Storchenhof Papendorf

Seltene Zwerg-Elefanten vergiftet ....Rare Elephants in Borneo probably poisoned

Ein 10 Monate altes Baby-Zwergelefäntchen trauert neben seiner toten Mutter. 
Das Tier ist eines von zehn, das seit dem 29. Dezember 2012 auf der Insel Borneo gestorben ist.
Der erste tote Borneo-Zwergelefant wurde am 29. Dezember 2012 gefunden, bis am 24. Januar waren es bereits zehn der seltenen Exemplare. Malayische Wildhüter vermuten, dass die Tiere vergiftet wurden.

Here the English article

Ten endangered pygmy elephants believed poisoned in the Malaysian jungle 

The adult carcasses have been found over a three-week period in the Gunung Rara Forest Reserve

This was the heart-wrenching scene as a baby pygmy elephant tried to wake its dead mother believed poisoned in the Malaysian jungle.The three-month-old calf was found next to the adult carcass in the Gunung Rara Forest Reserve.Ten endangered elephants - seven female and three male - have died from suspected poisoning in the past three weeks.
Wildlife officials have been unable to determine if the endangered animals were deliberately killed.
Ein Wildhüter versucht, dem Baby Wasser einzuflössen. Das Kleine harrte neben seiner toten Mutter aus.
Bild: AFP/Sabah Wildlife Department

Some elephants have been killed for their tusks on Sabah in past years, but there was no sign that these animals had been poached.
Environmental minister Masidi Manjun said: "This is a very sad day for conservation and Sabah. The death of these majestic and severely endangered Bornean elephants is a great loss to the state.
"If indeed these poor elephants were maliciously poisoned, I would personally make sure that the culprits would be brought to justice and pay for their crime."

Der WWF schätzt, dass es von den Borneo-Zwergelefanten nur noch 1000 bis 1500 Exemplare gibt. Sie gelten als äusserst zahm und sanftmütig.
Bild: AFP/Sabah Wildlife Department

The WWF wildlife group estimates that fewer than 1,500 Borneo pygmy elephants exist.

They live mainly in Sabah and grow to about 8ft tall, a foot or two shorter than mainland Asian elephants.Known for their babyish faces, large ears and long tails, pygmy elephants were found to be a distinct subspecies only in 2003, after DNA testing.Their numbers have stabilised in recent years amid conservation efforts to protect their jungle habitats from being torn down for plantations and development projects.
 Wildhüter gehen davon aus, dass die Tiere vergiftet wurden. 
Bild: AFP/Sabah Wildlife Department

The elephants found dead this month were believed to be from the same family group and ranged in age from 4 to 20 years.Post-mortem examinations showed that they had suffered severe haemorrhages and ulcers in their gastrointestinal tracts. None had gunshot injuries.

- Bildstrecke/ 20 Minuten Online

Mittwoch, 30. Januar 2013

Bees need our help - Urgent Petition!

EU-Minister beraten Verbot von Neonikotinoiden
Was tun gegen das große Bienensterben?

Schon seit langem beklagen Imker ein Bienensterben. Unter Verdacht sind bestimmte Pestizide, die den Tieren laut einer Studie die Orientierung nehmen. Nun befassen sich die EU-Agrarminister mit diesen Neonikotinoiden. In diesem Zusammenhang erhielt ich heute eine Aufforderung zu deiner dringenden Petition, die ich hiermit weitergebe.
Quietly, globally, billions of bees are dying, threatening our crops and food. But in 48 hours the European Union could move to ban the most poisonous pesticides, and pave the way to a global ban that would save bees from extinction.

Four EU countries have begun banning these poisons, and some bee populations are already recovering. Days ago the official European food safety watchdog stated for the first time that certain pesticides are fatally harming bees. Now legal experts and European politicians are calling for an immediate ban. But Bayer and other giant pesticide producers are lobbying hard to keep them on the market.

We know our voices count! Last year, our 1.2 million strong petition forced US authorities to open a formal consultation on pesticides -- now if we reach 2 million, we can persuade the EU to get rid of these crazy poisons and pave the way for a ban worldwide. Sign the urgent petition and send this to everyone - the message will be delivered ahead of this week's key meeting in Brussels:

Bees don't just make honey, they are vital to life on earth, every year pollinating 90% of plants and crops -- with an estimated $40bn value and over one-third of the food supply in many countries. Without immediate action to save bees, many of our favourite fruits, vegetables, and nuts could vanish from our shelves.

Recent years have seen a steep and disturbing global decline in bee populations -- some bee species are already extinct and some US species are at just 4% of their previous numbers. Scientists have been scrambling for answers and now the European Food Safety Authority is saying that toxic chemicals called neonicotinoid pesticides could be responsible for the bee deaths. France, Italy, Slovenia and even Germany, where the main manufacturer Bayer is based, have banned one of these bee-killing pesticides. But Bayer continues to export its poison across the world.

Now the issue is coming to a boil. EU parliamentarians are stepping up their pressure on the European Commission and key governments to push new legislation to ban the deadly pesticides, and we can offer them the public support they need to counter the powerful pesticide lobby. Sign the urgent petition to Europe’s leaders and spread the word.

Our world is beset with threats to what makes it habitable, and to what fills it with wonder, bees belong to that wonder.

Please sign the petition - now. 

- Pesticides pose danger to bees/ European Voice
- Crop pesticides are 'killing our bees' - says MEP/ Public Service Europe
- Death knell for nerve agent pesticides in move to save bees/The Independent
- Give Bees a Chance!/The Greens European Free Alliance
- Studies fault Bayer in bee die-off / Christian Science Monitor

- Bienendokumentation "More Than Honey"/ Spiegel Online Oktober 2012

Dienstag, 22. Januar 2013

Sort of Box Office....

Das ist Inukshuk, 10, der Vater von Ganuk. Während sein Sohn sich künstlerisch betätigt, arbeitet er sich durch Kisten mit Ernussbutter, Gelee und Ketchup. Der Aussenposten ist begeistert!-

This is Inukshuk, 10, the father of Ganuk. While his son indulges in art, he works his way through walls of boxes containing peanut butter, jam and ketchup surprises.The Outpost is thrilled!

More about the enrichment activities in Cochrane :
- Eine Mauer aus Kartons für Inukshuk/Ulli J's Eisbärblog 14.01.2013

Montag, 21. Januar 2013

Waschtag in der Arktis....Eco Bubble

Much more fun than the ad clip we get to see here on local TV...!

Donnerstag, 17. Januar 2013

News of the Day: Keine Zwangsräumung für 104 Bären in Vietnam...Eviction Stopped!

Vietnam bear sanctuary saved from eviction

Animals Asia’s Vietnam bear rescue centre has been saved from the eviction threat that has been hanging over it since 5 October 2012. A communiqué issued by the Vietnamese government confirms that Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung has concluded that the rescue centre’s operation should be maintained, and that construction on the project’s second phase should continue.

This decision ensures that the 104 bears living at the centre that have been rescued from the bile industry will stay, 77 local Vietnamese staff keep their jobs, and Animals Asia who fund and operate the centre will not suffer the financial losses of US $2 million as previously feared.

Animals Asia is a charity that is devoted to ending the barbaric practice of bear bile farming and improving the welfare of animals in China and Vietnam. The Vietnam Bear Rescue Centre, located in Tam Dao National Park, is dedicated solely to the rescue of previously farmed bears in Vietnam.

Tuan Bendixsen, Vietnam Director, Animals Asia commented:
“We are very grateful to the Prime Minister for his commitment to the bear rescue centre. We look forward to working with the government to end bear bile farming and help conserve the bear species..”

Jill Robinson MBE, Founder and CEO, Animals Asia commented:
“Our priority has been to rehabilitate these bears after their years of trauma from being locked up in small cages and milked for their bile. If we had been forced to relocate it would have had a terrible impact on their wellbeing. We want to sincerely thank the tens of thousands of supporters from around the world who wrote letters, sent e-mails and signed petitions calling for the eviction to be stopped.”

The rescue centre was established based on the Vietnam government’s 2005 agreement with Animals Asia to fund and develop a facility on 12 hectares of the park that would permanently rehabilitate and house 200 endangered bears rescued from the illegal bear bile industry. Based on this agreement, Animals Asia has invested more than US$2 million in building and infrastructure. 

Animals Asia

Pic of the Day: Künstler in Aktion...Ganuk the Artist


"Thank goodness Ganuk loves to paint!! And just to show you how much ... we hope you enjoy this shot of him in action."

"And how do you get a polar bear to paint?
The keepers at the Cochrane Polar Bear Habitat in northern Ontario say very carefully — and with a lot of peanut butter....

The keepers spread Ganuk’s favourite treat on walls in his holding pen and place various colours of edible, non-toxic paints near the entrance and paper on the floor. Once Ganuk has circled the pen a few times, he’s coaxed out of the pen so his artwork can be retrieved.

Ganuk’s original art is priced between $50 for an unframed piece to $130 for one that’s large and framed.Zoos have long used painting as an activity for primates and elephants, but the Cochrane facility believes it’s the only one currently painting with polar bears.

“On the day he painted with red I had to post what we were doing with him on Facebook and tell guests so people wouldn’t think he had an accident,” said Karen Cummings, manager of the polar bear habitat."

By the way, former known polar bear artists are Kavec from Tulsa Zoo, who died in May 2009, and Aurora from Rochester Seneca Zoo.

Related & more:
- Cochrane: Der Nachwuchskünstler Ganuk/ Ulli J's Eisbärblog 06.01.2013

Dienstag, 15. Januar 2013

"Please look after this bear..."

Seit ein paar Monaten ziert diese Dose mein Arbeitszimmer, und ich gestehe, ich wusste nicht viel über ihn, den Bären auf dieser Dose.Zeit das zu ändern.

 For a few months this box adorns my study, and I confess I did not know much about him, the bear on this box. Time to change this now.

Die in Großbritannien sehr bekannte Kinderbuchfigur Paddington Bär von Michael Bond wurde 1958 nach dem gleichnamigen Bahnhof in London benannt.

Im ersten Band, dem zahlreiche weitere folgen sollten, trifft eine englische Familie im Londoner Bahnhof Paddington einen Bären, der aus dem „dunkelsten Peru“ („darkest Peru“) stammt. Mr. und Mrs. Brown entdecken den Bären auf dem Bahnsteig, als sie ihre Tochter Judy vom Zug abholen wollen. Der kleine Bär trägt ein Schild um den Hals, auf dem steht: „Please look after this Bear, thank you“ („Bitte kümmern Sie sich um diesen Bären, dankeschön“). Mrs. Brown findet, man müsse ihn mitnehmen, weil man ja nicht wisse, was sonst alles mit ihm passieren könne. Sie nennen ihn nach dem Bahnhof, in dem sie ihn getroffen haben: Paddington.

Der Bär ist wirklich etwas Besonderes. Er kann sprechen und hat gute Manieren. Er hat eine besondere Vorliebe für Marmelade aus Bitterorangen. Er trägt entweder einen gelben Hut und eine hellblaue Jacke oder einen roten Hut und einen dunkelblauen Dufflecoat.

Für Familie Brown beginnt mit Paddington eine unruhige Zeit. Der Bär hat zwar gutes Benehmen, aber er gerät immer wieder in missliche Situationen („Things are always happening to me. I’m that sort of bear“).

Die Buchreihe diente als Vorlage für die Puppenserie Paddington (1975–1984) und die Zeichentrickreihe Die Abenteuer von Paddington Bär (1997–2001).

Bond based Paddington Bear on a lone teddy bear which he noticed on a shelf in a London store near Paddington Station on Christmas Eve 1956, which he bought as a present for his wife. The bear inspired Bond to write a story, and in 10 days he had written the first book. The book was given to his agent, Harvey Unna. "A Bear Called Paddington" was first published on 13 October 1958

Paddington Bear waiting ...

In the first story, Paddington is found at Paddington Railway Station in London by the Brown family, sitting on his suitcase (bearing the label "Wanted On Voyage") with a note attached to his coat which reads "Please look after this bear. Thank you." Bond has said that his memories of newsreels showing trainloads of child evacuees leaving London during the war, with labels around their necks and their possessions in small suitcases, prompted him to do the same for Paddington.

Paddington arrives as a stowaway coming from "Darkest Peru", sent by his Aunt Lucy (one of his only known relatives aside from an Uncle Pastuzo who gave Paddington his hat) who has gone to live in the Home for Retired Bears in Lima. He claims, "I came all the way in a lifeboat, and ate marmalade. Bears like marmalade." He tells them that no one can understand his Peruvian name, so the Browns decide to call him Paddington after the railway station in which he was found. Paddington's Peruvian name is ultimately revealed to be "Pastuso" (not to be confused with his "Uncle Pastuzo"). Bond originally wanted Paddington to have "travelled all the way from darkest Africa", but his agent advised him that there were no bears in darkest Africa, and thus it was amended to darkest Peru, home of the spectacled bear.

The waiting was worth it...

They take him home to 32 Windsor Gardens, off Harrow Road between Notting Hill and Maida Vale. Paddington frequents the nearby Portobello Road markets, where he is known for, and respected by, the shopkeepers for driving a very hard bargain. When he gets annoyed with someone, he often gives them one of his special "hard stares" (taught to him by Aunt Lucy), which causes the person to become flushed and embarrassed.

The stories follow Paddington's adventures and mishaps in England, along with some snippets of information about his past. For instance, in one story we learn that Paddington was orphaned in an earthquake, before being taken in and raised by his Aunt Lucy.

He loves orange jam...

Übrigens, als er gefunden wurde, war Paddington nicht ganz sicher, wie alt er war. So beschlossen  die Browns, wieder mit eins anzufangen. Sie beschlossen auch, dass er zwei Geburtstage im Jahr (wie die Queen!) haben sollte, und so feiert er seinen Geburtstag am 25. Juni und 25. Dezember.-

By the way, when he was found, Paddington wasn’t too sure how old he was so the Browns decided to start again at one. They also decided that he should have two birthdays a year (just like the Queen!) and so he celebrates these on 25th June and 25th December.

Es gibt viele Bären wie Paddington, die darauf warten, dass sich um sie gekümmert wird. Zugegebenermaßen, sie tragen nicht alle einen Zettel um den Hals, und statt guten Benehmens, wobei es auch das gibt, machen sie eher spektakulär durch unerwartete Besuche an Mülltonnen, auf Terrassen oder Schokoladengeschäften auf sich aufmerksam. Oft lösen sie das Gegenteil aus, statt sich um die Bären zu kümmern, werden sie gejagt.aber manchmal klappt es. Wie bei Meatball.-

 By the way there are many bears like Paddington outside, not always bearing a sign but asking for being looked after anyway. Instead of good behaviour, although it does exist too, or waiting with a suitcase at the station, they are more known for unexpected visits at garbage cans, in gardens, on patios or chocolate stores.Very often it triggers the contrary, instead of being cared for, the bears are chased. But sometimes it really works. Meet Meatball.

Persistent: Meatball was caught rummaging in the same California garage three times 

"A 500lb black bear, whose repeated visits to a Los Angeles neighbourhood earned him celebrity status, will be allowed to live thanks to an online campaign to save him.

Meatball, named because of his habit of taking frozen meatballs from garage freezers, has been moved to a wild animal sanctuary in the mountains of southern California.

He became a fixture on American television screens through the summer, rummaging through bins and clambering over garden fences.Officials from the California Department of Fish and Game captured him a number of times and returned him to his home in the Angeles National Forest but Meatball kept coming back.

He may have travelled up to 200 miles to reach the same neighbourhood. Usually a bear that demonstrates such an interest in residential areas would be put down.But the publicity around Meatball's story has saved his life: a massive online campaign, led by a Twitter account in his name, has prompted a fundraising drive to build his new home.

BBB - Big, Black & Beautiful

Bobbi Brink, founder of the Lions, Tigers and Bears sanctuary near San Diego which Meatball now calls home, said they have already raised half of the $250,000 (£155,000) needed to craft a new six-acre habitat.She said: "It is heart-warming that people care about animals as much as we do. He is a very loved bear, a very special bear. He's beautiful.

"He's got a great sense of humour, he's funny and smart and I can't wait to get him out into the habitat because he wants out now."

Meatball now enjoys a diet including grapes and, his particular favourite, peanut butter sandwiches.

Although black bears are generally considered to be less of a threat to humans, experts regularly issue advice to people living near bear habitats on what to do in the event of an encounter with the animal.

Their appearances in Los Angeles neighbourhoods have become more frequent as bears seek out regular sources of food.Some in the suburb of Glendale believed Meatball had worked out which day rubbish bins were put out for collection.

Meatball will share his home with one male and three female bears in a sanctuary which also houses big cats rescued from private collections or abuse.

Wildlife experts say it would be impractical to re-home more wild bears - Meatball is the lucky one."

- Paddington Bear on wikipedia engl./deutsch
- "Meatball" the bear captured/22 News 11.04.2012
- His life's a picnic!/Mail online 31.08.2011

Sonntag, 13. Januar 2013

2013...And very busy...))

What are you doing today? ...Nothing...
Didn't you do the same yesterday?..Couldn't finish it...

Manchmal braucht es einen Cartoon wie diesen um sich zu erinnern, dass es noch einen Blog gibt in dem man versäumt hat pünktlich zum Neuen Jahr alles Gute zu wünschen. Wie praktisch, wenn die Entschuldigung gleich mitgeliefert wird...))
In diesem Sinne, alles Gute für ein bärenstarkes 2013!

Sometimes it needs a cartoon like the one above to remember that a blog is online on which one has missed completely to wish well for the New Year. And how handy when the reason behind is delivered as well...))
So all my apologies and all the best to everyone for 2013!