Hi, it seems there is something important on our agenda today....The coaties are already very excited...still waiting for the musical directors for the rehearsel...But the duo in charge has not yet left for Bearlin, they can't make up their mind...Why going first to Bearlin when Düren (mission's location) is so much closer to Krefeld (where they are from)...Little Antonio, born October 14 and from Bearlin does not understand anything...... but doesn't mind at all getting on its legs too ...Vitus in Karlsruhe is already waiting for the agency's transport service......while the Serious Family has as usual some discussions about manners......Ernst can't understand that feet-feeding of let's say Blackwood Cherry Cake might not be the most appropriate gesture to show his gratitude for not having been forgotten on his 2 years birthday last week ...he is even prepared for giving that special lady they were going to surprise some free tuition ...Although... these guys could help out with some spoons... Feet, spoons....? As long as there is cake, we only have to make it there in time... I wonder if Knut is coming too...Sure I'm coming...But not without having finished my make-up...Remember, six years ago, she came to visit us on her 50th birthday but she brought only her camera, so we better fill our stomach before leaving, you never know...when singing Happy Birthday to UlliJ we won't at least faint...
Photo credits: Nene(1,2,4,5,7,8,10,12), UlliJ (3,6,9), Jessie (11), Muschi/Mäuschen
Liebe UlliJ,
AntwortenLöschenIch glaube, da haben sich die Tiere umsonst auf Schwarzwälderkirschtorte gefreut, ich las gerade, dass du im Kölner Zoo warst...))Oder sind sie noch rechtzeitig zum Festmahl erschienen, das dein Mann dir bereitet hat?
Ich hoffe, du hattest einen schönen Tag
Es war zwar keine Schwarzwälderkirschtorte sondern Amarena Kirschtorte und es gab sie erst am Sonntag, aber natürlich sind alle Gäste bewirtet worden.
AntwortenLöschenAm Samstag Abend hatten wir vergessen unsere Katzen zu füttern und die saßen dann beim Festessen neugierig neben dem Tisch, Kater Felix auf einem freien Stuhl, (er ist der Boss) und warteten auf ihren Anteil. Wir haben ihnen ganz schnell zu fressen gegeben.