Thanks to the digging of a bear from Chicago, our friend Dostoy, and of Barbara from Jadebusen, the Aussenposten proudly presents Ursula on TV .
It's a 16 minutes clip with historical documents of the zoo in Copenhagen/Denmark which celebrated recently it's 150th anniversary. It's not only about Ursula and it might take some time to see the whole clip, especially when you have a a very slow connection, but enjoy anyway!
Here an extract of what you can expect :
"Quite interesting footage with some cool facts. Some of them:
The elephant seal was purchased from Hagenbeck and named "Goliath".
The malayan bear grotto was torn down in 1969. Now prairie dogs live there.
The ostrich-house now houses giant anteaters.
One of the two komodo dragons later went to Stockholm. The other one attracted 50.000 visitors to the terrarium in three months.
The little bear cub "Ursula" became extremely famous worldwide for being the first kodiak bear born outside of North America.
The okapi arriving by plane was a gift from the Belgish government.
And the Bear Grottos are the only exhibits from this film that are still in use today. They have since been expanded and renovated but are still due for a complete makeover!"
Und hier Barbaras deutsche Ankündigung gestern im KnutHome2-Magazin...
@ Frau Birgit from Africa
...Es gibt "bewegte Bilder" von Ursula in einem 16-Minuten-Film mit historischen Aufnahmen, den der ZOO KØBENHAVN aus Anlass seines 150jährigen Bestehens zusammengestellt hat. Wir sehen wie Ursula auf einem Zoospaziergang das Interesse anderer Zoobewohner weckt und vielleicht auch für einen leckeren Snack gehalten wird, aber nicht von den Eisbären.....
Ein Filmausschnitt zeigt fünf Eisbären in ihrem Gehege mit Pool und Wasserfall.
Auch für die Okapi- und für die Brillenbärenliebhaber ist etwas dabei."
Und alles auf Dänisch! - And be's all in Danish!
Photo credit: Irene Rysgaard,Bärchen Ursula, Kosmos-Verlag, Stuttgart
Ein ganz entzückender alter Film - vielen herzlichen Dank fürs Zeigen!