Samstag, 9. Mai 2009

Molly ...oder Kühe mit Sinn für Strategie - Cows on the run....

Das ist Molly aus dem Staate New York.-
This is Molly from the state of New York.

Eigentlich sollte hier erst nur ihre Geschichte stehen, wie sie vor ein paar Tagen nicht nur dem Schlachthof entkam, sondern in Folge auch noch das Glück ihres Lebens fand, Wexley...
Doch Holy Cow, was passierte beim googeln? Ich fand noch eine andere Molly, ihres Zeichen eine Montana-Kuh, die vor mehr als 3 Jahren ebenfalls den Behörden und dem Schlachter ein spektakuläres Schnäppchen schlug...- Just to make it short, I wanted to write about Molly, the cow who fought last week not only against her fate to become meat, no, in consequence she even found the love of her life...But Mr. Google showed me, that this story has not been unique, there are other cows with the name of Molly sharing the same spirit for survival, so find here as well Molly B, the cow from Montana...
Und das ist sie also: Molly B aus Montana.-
So, that's her: Molly B from Montana.

"Every once in a while, cows are awesome.

Molly the Cow was just chilling out one day at the old meat-packing slaughterhouse plant in Montana when all of a sudden it dawned on her that she was about to get shot in the head, cut into tiny pieces, shipped to various locations throughout the world and then ultimately be eaten by people. Well this sort of shit wasn't going to fly with Molly, so she decided it would be in her best interests of self-preservation to get the fuck out of dodge while she still could and dramatically reduce her chances of becoming a deliciously greasy Quarter Pounder with Cheese. So she waited until nobody was looking one morning, hurdled the fence to her pen and started wandering around the town of Great Falls....."

Read here the rest of her spectacular run which kept not only the police occupied for more than 6 hours...."Ich bin geplättet", denkt sich diese weitläufige Verwandschaft im fernen Rodrigues und fragt zu Recht,"Ja, muss man denn wirklich Molly heißen und in Amerika wohnen, um dem Schlachtmesser zu entgehen?"-

This remote relative in Rodrigues Island is impressed but asking now, if it is really compulsory being named Molly...Good question!

Denn: Man muss als Kuh nicht zwangsläufig Molly heißen und aus den USA stammen, um dem Schlachter ein Schnippchen zu schlagen...Freiheitsliebende, intelligente Kühe mit Strategiebewusstsein gibt es auch in Deutschland...Wir erinnern uns gerne an die, vor ein paar Monaten Schlagzeilen machende Kuh aus Kreuth, deren Überlebenswillen sie sogar dahin brachte, sich im Verlauf von 3 Wochen(!),Respekt und Nahrung im Territorium anderer zu verschaffen, von manchen missverstanden als Versuch, ihre Identität zu wechseln... Auch ihr blieb der Schlachthof erspart.-

As: No need to be called Molly and to come from the USA to avoid the slaughter...Freedom-loving, intelligent cows with sense for strategies can be found in other parts of the world too, as the one in Kreuth /Germany makink headlines some months ago who even managed during 3 weeks to get the respect and the food of the deer whose territory she had invaded in order to survive, misunderstood by some people who thought the cow took herself for a deer...which proves that humans are sometimes less intelligent than cows.

I for myself will never ever call anyone "stupid cow"again...

Related articles, incl.videos:
- Molly 2009: part 1, part 2, part3 (photo stream)
- MollyB 2006: auf Dt., engl./article1, article 2, article 3, quoted article, here full
- deer-cow 2009 including some nice photos too, but just in German

Photo credits: see link sources, Rodriguan cow(Myriam&Pierre)

Thank you, Clydene, to make me aware of Molly!

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