Dienstag, 25. Dezember 2012

Merry Christmas!

A Thai elephant dressed as Santa Claus performs before giving presents to pupils during Christmas celebrations at a school in Thailand

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas wherever you are!

Sonntag, 23. Dezember 2012

Christmas Memories...Santa Claus Knut

These photos were taken on 23 December 2008 by Hartmuth.

Donnerstag, 20. Dezember 2012

Newtown: Clinging to Bears and Dogs...

Teddy Bear

It’s my very favorite place.
I feel closer to you there.
We rock the hours away.
Me and your Teddy Bear.

The rocking chair is squeaking,

as rocking chairs will do.
I pretend the one I’m holding
isn’t Teddy Bear, but you.

I miss your little chubby cheeks.

They were so fun to kiss.
Cuddling you, and hearing you goo
are among the things I miss.

Precious memories of you linger.

My child I miss you so.
I hope one day my heart will heal.
It’s hard to let you go.

When in time God calls me home

to be with you up there;
With joy I’ll hold you in my arms
instead of Teddy Bear.
By Ron Tranmer ©

Photo: David Goldman/AP

Teddy bears, each representing a victim of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, sit on a wall at a sidewalk memorial, Sunday, Dec. 16, 2012, in Newtown, Conn. A gunman walked into Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown Friday and opened fire, killing 26 people, including 20 young children and six teachers.

But not only bears are there...

Nine dogs turned up in Newtown to help residents cope with their grief after Friday's brutal killing. Libby, Tilley, Abbie Einstein, Smartie Jones, Dutchess, Ruthie and Hannah and two other dogs came from far-off Illinois and Indiana via a Lutheran Church Charities "comfort dog" program that has its origins in the aftermath of the 2008 killing of five students by a gunman at Northern Illinois University..

Their mission in life is to make people feel better and most of them are especially trained to give emotional comfort and healing - by visiting nursing homes and centres for people with autism.

Read more here: http://www.sunherald.com/2012/12/17/4362961/newtown-plans-burials-as-schools.html#storylink=cpy
Lily Willinger, 2, pets therapy dog Tilley during a visit from the dogs and their handlers to a memorial for the victims of the school massacre in Newtown, Connecticut.

Addison Strychalsky, 2, of Newtown Connecticut, pets Libby, a golden retriever therapy dog, during a visit from the dogs and their handlers to a memorial for the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting victims. Source: AP


The animals are trained to provide comfort and solace after tragedies and disasters such as Friday's shooting

Dutchess, another golden retriever, projected so much affection that few noticed she had no eyes - they were surgically removed after she contracted pigmentary uveitis, a painful eye disease seen almost exclusively in the breed.

"She does fine. She's a happy dog," said her owner Mark Condon, a biology professor at State University of New York and member of the Good Dog Foundation, another therapy dog network, as Dutchess snuggled up to an AFP reporter.

Dutchess, who turns 10 next month, typically drops in once or twice a week at an autism centre up the Hudson River from New York where she happily mingles with children eager to brush, feed and play ball with her.

In Newtown, on the other hand, many folks responded to Dutchess by simply running their hands over her rich silky coat.

"It's been very tactile," Mr Condon observed. "Some people don't even say anything - which is fine."

In another part of town, Ken Whalen of Smithfield, Rhode Island went directly to Hawley Elementary School with his seven-year-old golden retriever Cooper to comfort kids on Newtown's first day of school after the tragedy.

The need is so great in Newtown that the dogs and their handlers have split into teams to help more people

It won't be easy for the families of Newtown, Connecticut, to forget last Friday's horrific events.
But a group of cuddly dogs are at least providing some comfort to the children and parents heartbroken in days of lingering sadness.


Montag, 17. Dezember 2012

Strictly No Elephants....

Photo: Fox Photos/Getty Image

January 1927: 
A young visitor and her toy elephant finds that the elephant house at London Zoo is closed for their winter holidays.

Mittwoch, 12. Dezember 2012

Kamchatka...Land der Bären und Vulkane...

Again some bear pics from Lake Kurile, as to the volcanoes, they are here...

-Photos found here -

- Wild bears in Russia - pictures/Guardian 24.01.2011
incl.great pics of fishing brown bears

Freitag, 23. November 2012

T-Day Treat for Axhi and Jim...

 Gestern war Thanksgiving Day in Amerika, für Jim und Axhi, 2 Grizzly Bären im Brookfield Zoo gab es deshalb etwas Besonderes. Die beiden Bärenbrüder wurden 1995 als Waisen gerettet, kamen erst nach Angoon/Angoon Alaska und leben nun in der "Great Wilderness Exhibit" im Brookfield Zoo.-

Jim, a 17-year-old grizzly bear at Brookfield Zoo seems to be enjoying his own turkey this Thanksgiving Day. Jim, and his brother Axhi, were orphaned in 1995 and were rescued through a cooperative effort among the zoo, the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, and residents of Angoon, Alaska. The two grizzly bears can be seen at Brookfield Zoo's Great Bear Wilderness exhibit.

 Hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving Day in the US...

All photos: Brookfield Zoo

Sonntag, 18. November 2012

Sonntagsausflug....Bears & Boats

Young Grizzly seen at Katmai National Park in Alaska

Heute ist Sonntag und deshalb beschäftigen wir uns heute mal mit Bootsausflügen. Nicht nur in Alaska gibt es Grizzly Bären, die wie oben Lust auf eine Bootspartie haben. Auch Sergey Gorshkow traf einen in Russland, doch es sieht ganz danach aus, als ob er seinen Ausflug verschieben musste.-

Today is Sunday and what better thing to do than a boat ride? Not only in Alaska there are grizzly bears with a liking for outings like this. Sergey Gorshkow met one too in Kurile Lake in Russia, but it looks as if this one had to postpone his boat trip... .

Photo: Sergey Gorshkow

Photo: Sergey Gorshkow

Photo: Sergey Gorshkow

Kurile Lake, in Kamchatka, Russia

This fishing camp is brown bear territory and and dogs live there in the summer to guard territory.Bears like to investigate the boats. They used to be made from rubber but that was changed after bears would pop them with their razor sharp claws. The bears are the boss here and there is constant conflict with the guard dogs.

Russia has the largest brown bear population in the world, and the grizzly is one of the most widespread, well-known and popular animals in the country. With more than 100,000 brown bears in existence, Russia has as many brown bears as the rest of the other countries combined. Five subspecies of brown bear are found throughout Russia, with the European Region north-west of Russia, Kamchatka peninsula and the coastal regions of the Pacific having the highest density of these animals.

Five subspecies of brown bear are found throughout Russia, with the European Region north-west of Russia, Kamchatka peninsula and the coastal regions of the Pacific having the highest density of these animals.
The Grizzly bear is not a vicious animal and prefers in the main to stay out of the way of humans, but when an attack occurs it can be lethal, as bears are so huge and  their claws so sharp.
While many dogs will instinctively harass, or at least annoy, grizzly bears they come across, the size of this one might have put off many. But it looks as though these two have no fear at all.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2175443/Huge-grizzly-bear-swims-lake-looking-food-scared-pint-sized-dogs-Russia.html#ixzz2CXkkwBu9
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With more than 100,000 brown bears in existence, Russia has as many brown bears as the rest of the other countries combined. 
Five subspecies of brown bear are found throughout Russia, with the European Region north-west of Russia, Kamchatka peninsula and the coastal regions of the Pacific having the highest density of these animals.
The Grizzly bear is not a vicious animal and prefers in the main to stay out of the way of humans, but when an attack occurs it can be lethal, as bears are so huge and  their claws so sharp.
While many dogs will instinctively harass, or at least annoy, grizzly bears they come across, the size of this one might have put off many. But it looks as though these two have no fear at all. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2175443/Huge-grizzly-bear-swims-lake-looking-food-scared-pint-sized-dogs-Russia.html
19 juli

Would you bear-lieve it? Huge grizzly swims across a lake looking for food only to be scared off by two pint-sized guard dogs http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2175443/Huge-grizzly-bear-swims-lake-looking-food-scared-pint-sized-dogs-Russia.html

Freitag, 9. November 2012

Congrats, Mrs. President!!!

"Die USA haben gewählt und entschieden, dass Barack Obama weitere vier Jahre der Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten sein wird. Ein Ergebnis, das die meisten Europäer begrüßen, auch deshalb, weil er den Klimaschutz als ein wichtiges Ziel in seinem Wahlkampf herausstellte und das obwohl  dieses Thema für viele Amerikaner in der Wirtschaftskrise und bei hoher Arbeitslosigkeit keinen so hohen Stellenwert hat.  Also ist dieses Wahlergebnis auch für die Eisbären eine gute Nachricht.

Auch die “Präsidentschaftswahl” des Alaska Zoos ist entschieden. Dort sah es lange so aus, als ob der Wolf Denali den Sieg davontragen würde. Doch in den letzten Tagen hat die Eisbärin Ahpun ihn überholt und am Ende deutlich mit 2129 Stimmen gegenüber 1822 Stimmen für Denali gewonnen. In den letzten Wochen hatte der Zoo einen weiteren Bewerber für das Präsidentschaftsamt des Zoos vorgestellt: Yertle, ein weißes Alpaka. Sie erhielt 605 Stimmen.

Natürlich bedankt sich auch die neue Präsidentin des Alaska Zoos bei ihren Wählern für ihre Unterstützung: 

Es war eine wilde Kampagne. Pfote an Pfote… die ganze Zeit. Es ist eine Ehre, als die erste Präsidentin der Tiere des Alaska Zoo gewählt zu werden. Ich möchte allen meinen Unterstützern danken und auch denjenigen, die für meine Gegner gestimmt. Am Ende haben wir den Auftrag des Alaskas Zoo unterstützt, die Erhaltung der Arktis, der Subarktis und der Tierarten in diesem Lebensraum  voranzubringen durch Bildung, Forschung und Umweltschutz.

Am Ende hat der Alaska Zoo durch diese Aktion über 4.500 Dollar an Spenden eingesammelt." (source)


"It was a wild race, but in the end, the bear made a stunning comeback for victory.
After trailing much of the election, Ahpun (ah-POON') the polar bear fended off a spirited campaign by Denali the gray wolf to be elected first "president" of the Alaska Zoo.

"It was paw to paw," said zoo development director Aileen Floyd. "Denali more often than not was on top. It was a bit of a surprise that Ahpun pulled it out."

The campaign was a fundraiser for the zoo in Anchorage. It began Sept. 5 with a press conference and photo op. Ballots were $1 and zoo patrons were encouraged to stuff the ballot boxes with dollars for their favorite animal.As late as Monday, Denali held an eight-vote lead, according to totals updated daily on the zoo website. But Ahpun surged ahead on Election Day and was named the winner with a final tally of 2,129 to 1,822 votes.

Denali's chances may have been hurt by a third candidate. The Anchorage Midtown Rotary Club sponsors Yertle, an alpaca, and made her a write-in candidate. Yertle took in 605 votes.

Ahpun, 14, has been at the zoo since she was 3 months old. She was found orphaned near Point Lay on the Chukchi Sea coast about 700 miles northwest of Anchorage. She weighs about 700 pounds but isn't the biggest bear in her own cage. She shares space with another polar bear, Louie, a male that's about 1,200 pounds.

Denali, 6, and his siblings were brought to the zoo as 2-week-old pups from a den near McGrath about 275 miles southwest of Fairbanks. The Alaska Department of Fish and Game had planned predator control for the area, a program to boost moose numbers, and Denali may have been spared death by trapping by moving to the zoo.

Inauguration Day for Madam President Ahpun, Floyd said, will be Dec. 9 at the zoo's "Christmas for the Animals" event, when patrons can bring treats for animals.

The election drew votes from outside the state and even outside the country, Floyd said."It really got the zoo out there," she said.The finally tally was $4,556 taken in. The money raised with support the zoo's operating budget."
Wo wir gerade bei Präsidenten sind, auch Bo Obama bleibt 4 weitere Jahre im Amt und, wie es aussieht, sogar unangefochten. Presseerklärungen zufolge wird es keine Einmischungen seitens kleiner Welpen geben, Bo bleibt der Kopf im Weißen Haus!-

Speaking of presidents, also Bo Obama gets 4 more years, and his position as head of the White House seems stronger than ever before. No other puppy will meddle with him during the upcoming 4 years.
Puppy Power- Bo Obama with Obama, Clinton & Burmese Opposition Leader Aung San Suu Kyi in the Oval Office on September 19
Er kennt sich aus in Diplomatie, weiß sich in wichtigen Sitzungen zur Geltung zu bringen und Aufmerksamkeit zu erlangen, und exklusiven Quellen zufolge wissen wir, dass Bo Obama es sich zur obersten Priorität gemacht hat, Ahpun und ihrem Vize Denali dabei zu helfen erfolgreich im Amt zu bleiben und einflussreiche Persönlichkeiten zu treffen.-

He has learned everything about diplomacy and important meetings and due to some exclusive sources we know that Bo Obama has made it top priority to give Ahpun and her vice Denali some useful hints about how to stay in power and meet influential people.
 President Ahpun one day after the election

Unterstützung aus dem Weißen Haus kann nicht schaden, denn auf dem Weg zur Erhaltung des arktischen Lebensraums und seiner Bewohner gibt es Hürden, die Ölindustrie ist eine davon, die der neuen Tierpräsidentin Ahpun im Alaska Zoo mit Sicherheit noch Kopfzerbrechen bereiten wird.

Auf die kommenden 4 Jahre sind wir sehr gespannt und wünschen allen Amtsinhabern alles Gute und viel Erfolg!-
Support from the White House could come in handy, because on the way to preserve the Arctic and its inhabitants, there are obstacles with the oil industry just one of them, which might cause some headache for the newly elected Animal President Ahpun of the Alaska Zoo.

As to the coming 4 years, we are very excited and we wish all office holders all the best and success!

- Alaska Zoo: Ahpun gewinnt die Zoo-Präsidentschaft/ Ulli J's Eisbärblog 07.11.2012, read also here
- Bo helps with the diplomacy/Daily Mail 14.10.2012
- Bo Obama gets 4 more years/ DogTimes 07.11.2012

- Meet Bo Obama/16.04.2009 
-Happy Birthday, Mr. President/ 04.08.2011
- Alaska Zoo Geschichten/Ulli J's Blog 2012

Crocodiles - Feeling the Unfeelable

Herr Ober, bitte noch mehr Nüsse!....A bear with restaurant manners

Sie heißt Huanca, ist eine 5 jährige Brillenbärin und lebt im Duisburger Zoo.-
Her name is Huanca, she is a 5 year old Spectacled Bear and lives in Duisburg Zoo in Germany.

Und wenn ihr die Nüsse ausgehen, weiß sie, auf sich aufmerksam zu machen.-
And when she is running out of nuts, she knows how to make herself understood..

Leider gab es weder Fotos vom "Ober", noch Bilder, die belegen, dass die Bestellung auch geliefert wurde.-
Unfortunately we don't see the "waiter", we just hope that he delivered promptly...)


Samstag, 3. November 2012

With and without pumpkin....Halloween Nachlese

 Kürbishöhle mit Überraschungen im Nashville Zoo-
Pumpkin cave, surprises included

 Seen at Memphis Zoo
OK, ich gebe zu, aus dem sibirischen Zoo in Krasnoyarsk hätte ich vor allem gerne Commander Sedov mit Kürbis gesehen, aber auch Almaz lässt sich sehen....

 This year we have even a giraffe with a pumpkin, seen at London Zoo

 San Diego Zoo's Californian Condors are celebrating too...maybe less the rats inside the pumpkin...

Raja, a Komodo Waran at London Zoo enjoying a pumpkin too

But now to the bears....
Where are the surprises???

Working on it...
posted by Bears With Us on facebook

Polar bear Hudson at Toronto Zoo traditionally with pumpkin too
 Whereas in San Diego the polar bears got toys matching the event

Tatqiq with Frankenstein made it even into the BBC news

- Zoo animals receive Halloween treats/ World Zoo Today 25.20.2012
- Polar bear drowns Frankenstein/ Discovery 31.10.2012
- Wie Tiere im Zoo Halloween feiern/Spiegel Online Panorama Fotostrecke 31.10.2012