Nein, diesmal nicht der aus der Werbung, der immer hustet und dem man dann eine Tüte Minzbonbons hinhält...Nein, diesmal geht es um Olaf, den Uropa von Knut, der auch Uropa von Gianna ist. Und damit gefährlich, wat die Gene angeht, denn da soll nix Gutes bei rauskommen. Inzucht, wenn Sie verstehen, wat ich meine...Sie wissen schon, blasse Gesichter, krankheitsanfällig, und nicht besonders pfiffig wie man im Volksmund sagt. Gibbet bei Eisbären nämlich auch. Gezz sagen Sie nich, dat man doch davon nix merken tut, wegen dat weiße Fell und so, dat is nämlich eine ärnste Angelegenheit, so eine Inzuchtgeschichte...
Ob damals die Feministinnen auch an Eisbären gedacht haben , als sie zur Walpurgisnacht durch Berlins Straßen gelaufen sind und Kastration auf Krankenschein gefordert haben...?
OK, I'll give it a try although it is not really translatable...
All because of Olaf. No, this time not the one from the TV ad all Germans will know -at least when born in the 60s-, the one who is coughing every time you see him and who is always offered then a candy bag with sort of mint candies inside ... No, this time it's about Olaf, Knut's grandfather who by the way is also the grandfather of Gianna. And therefore dangerous, it has something to do with the genes, because there is nothing good to come out with. Inbreeding, if you see what I mean ... you already know, pale faces, disease-prone and not very smart as they say in the vernacular. In fact, polar bears have that too. You say now that it won't make any difference as one won't see anything anyway because of the white coat of the polar bears...? No no, such an inbreeding story is a very serious matter... I am just asking myself if the feminists were also thinking of polar bears, when they ran through the streets of Berlin on Walpurgis Night, demanding castration on prescription ...?
Ob damals die Feministinnen auch an Eisbären gedacht haben , als sie zur Walpurgisnacht durch Berlins Straßen gelaufen sind und Kastration auf Krankenschein gefordert haben...?

All because of Olaf. No, this time not the one from the TV ad all Germans will know -at least when born in the 60s-, the one who is coughing every time you see him and who is always offered then a candy bag with sort of mint candies inside ... No, this time it's about Olaf, Knut's grandfather who by the way is also the grandfather of Gianna. And therefore dangerous, it has something to do with the genes, because there is nothing good to come out with. Inbreeding, if you see what I mean ... you already know, pale faces, disease-prone and not very smart as they say in the vernacular. In fact, polar bears have that too. You say now that it won't make any difference as one won't see anything anyway because of the white coat of the polar bears...? No no, such an inbreeding story is a very serious matter... I am just asking myself if the feminists were also thinking of polar bears, when they ran through the streets of Berlin on Walpurgis Night, demanding castration on prescription ...?
Aber hier ein wenig aus der Presse...
Tierschützer wollen Knut kastrieren
Inzest im Berliner Zoo? Tierschützer fordern einen Fortpflanzungsstopp für den prominenten Eisbären - er sei mit Lebensgefährtin Giovanna im Berliner Zoo verwandt
Knut-Fans mussten einiges erdulden: Zuerst verwandelte sich der knuddelige Eisbär altersbedingt in ein ausgewachsenes Raubtier, und nun fordern Tierschützer auch noch seine Entmannung. Knut und die Eisbärin Giovanna, mit der er zur Zeit im Berliner Zoo zusammenlebt, hätten "einen gemeinsamen Opa", erklärte die Organisation Peta Deutschland am Dienstag in einer Pressemitteilung in Berlin.
Aufgrund der Verwandtschaft sei "Inzucht vorprogrammiert". Das würde der von den Zoos propagierten Erhaltungszucht erheblich schaden, da sie die genetische Vielfalt reduziert und die Gefahr von Inzuchtdepressionen bei zukünftigen Nachkommen besteht. So werden die Beschwerden von Tieren bezeichnet, die von relativ nahen Blutverwandetn abstammen und zum Beispiel anfälliger für Krankheiten sind.
"Knut-Fans sollten sich bewusst sein, dass nur die Kastration von Knut ein dauerhaftes Zusammenleben mit Giovanna erlaubt. Alle andere Hoffnungen und Wünsche bringen die Eisbärenpopulation in Gefangenschaft noch schneller an ihr ohnehin vorprogrammiertes Ende", erklärte Frank Albrecht, der Zooexperte von Peta.Knut kam im Dezember 2006 in Berlin zur Welt. Da ihn seine Mutter verstieß, wurde er von Hand aufgezogen. Die Bilder des Jungtiers gingen um die Welt. Erst nach einem zweimonatigen Rechtsstreit einigten sich der Zoo Berlin und der Tierpark Neumünster auf den dauerhaften Verbleib Knuts in Berlin. Der Zoo zahlte 430.000 Euro an den Tierpark und wurde Eigentümer des Eisbären.Die gleichaltrige Bärdendame Giovanna wurde im vergangenen Jahr aus ihrem Gehege im Münchner Tierpark Hellabrunn wegen Renovierungsarbeiten vorübergehend nach Berlin umgesiedelt.
(source SZ/ 02.03.2010)
Knut-Fans mussten einiges erdulden: Zuerst verwandelte sich der knuddelige Eisbär altersbedingt in ein ausgewachsenes Raubtier, und nun fordern Tierschützer auch noch seine Entmannung. Knut und die Eisbärin Giovanna, mit der er zur Zeit im Berliner Zoo zusammenlebt, hätten "einen gemeinsamen Opa", erklärte die Organisation Peta Deutschland am Dienstag in einer Pressemitteilung in Berlin.
Aufgrund der Verwandtschaft sei "Inzucht vorprogrammiert". Das würde der von den Zoos propagierten Erhaltungszucht erheblich schaden, da sie die genetische Vielfalt reduziert und die Gefahr von Inzuchtdepressionen bei zukünftigen Nachkommen besteht. So werden die Beschwerden von Tieren bezeichnet, die von relativ nahen Blutverwandetn abstammen und zum Beispiel anfälliger für Krankheiten sind.
"Knut-Fans sollten sich bewusst sein, dass nur die Kastration von Knut ein dauerhaftes Zusammenleben mit Giovanna erlaubt. Alle andere Hoffnungen und Wünsche bringen die Eisbärenpopulation in Gefangenschaft noch schneller an ihr ohnehin vorprogrammiertes Ende", erklärte Frank Albrecht, der Zooexperte von Peta.Knut kam im Dezember 2006 in Berlin zur Welt. Da ihn seine Mutter verstieß, wurde er von Hand aufgezogen. Die Bilder des Jungtiers gingen um die Welt. Erst nach einem zweimonatigen Rechtsstreit einigten sich der Zoo Berlin und der Tierpark Neumünster auf den dauerhaften Verbleib Knuts in Berlin. Der Zoo zahlte 430.000 Euro an den Tierpark und wurde Eigentümer des Eisbären.Die gleichaltrige Bärdendame Giovanna wurde im vergangenen Jahr aus ihrem Gehege im Münchner Tierpark Hellabrunn wegen Renovierungsarbeiten vorübergehend nach Berlin umgesiedelt.
(source SZ/ 02.03.2010)
Siehe auch Knut kastrieren? Das lassen wir mal schön sein/focus 04.03.2010
Gianna's Genealogy Tree, sorry a bit small, click link to enlarge

Knut the polar bear should be castrated, say animal rights group Peta
Knut, the world’s most photographed polar bear, is being threatened with the removal of his most precious assets. Rejected and left to die by his mother, separated from his beloved keeper, gawped at by hundreds of thousands of visitors as he struggled through teething and adolescence, he has had a raw deal in his short life. Berlin Zoo has made a fortune selling souvenirs of the bear — which, memorably, appeared with Leonardo DiCaprio on the front cover of Vanity Fair — while Knut has had to make do with a daily bucket of herring.
Now, to add injury to insult, German animal rights activists are suggesting that he be castrated. For the past few months Knut has been sharing a compound with Giovanna, a three-year-old female on loan from Munich Zoo. Tabloid newspapers hinted that the two were being groomed to mate — but Frank Albrecht, the head of the German branch of Peta, the animal rights group, said the bears would be committing incest. Mr Albrecht said that breeding polar bears in zoos could be justified only if it protected the species — but the institutions, with their limited supply, often ended up inbreeding the bears. The result has been a drop in the number of live cub births.
Between 1981 and 1985, 300 polar bears were born in captivity worldwide. Between 2001 and 2005, only 90 were born. Giovanna, in other words, is not the right mate for Knut. Berlin zoo managers have clashed with animal rights groups before. Some campaigners went so far as to suggest that Knut be put down, because he had been raised unnaturally; as a cub he was scooped from his compound and bottle-fed by Thomas Doerflein, his keeper, who later taught him to play football, and fall asleep to Elvis Presley lullabies.
The castration of Knut would cause dismay among his fans around the world and would reduce his market value. A new Knut family, however, could produce a commercial bonanza. As Knut has grown, he has lost some of his cuddliness, and it has been difficult to maintain sales of Knut cups, hats, T-shirts and stuffed toys. The reality is that, despite his celebrity status, he is a normal zoo bear that spends most of the day eating or sleeping. The most likely outcome is, therefore, that Giovanna will be sent away before the bears become sexually mature. “We’ll send Giovanna back to Munich, by the autumn at the latest,” said Heiner Klös, the senior bearkeeper at Berlin Zoo. The search will then begin for a new mate who does not figure in Knut’s family tree.
( source Times Online/03.03.2010)
Source: BZ
I will not comment on some of these statements within the articles, just one point which might be of importance, even if both bears mated, the outcome would be a rather tolerable "product" as they are only remotely related with having the same grand-grandfather who by the way spread his genes quite a bit in his times... And just in case if you are interested in some comments, then try these ones for a start...
Now, to add injury to insult, German animal rights activists are suggesting that he be castrated. For the past few months Knut has been sharing a compound with Giovanna, a three-year-old female on loan from Munich Zoo. Tabloid newspapers hinted that the two were being groomed to mate — but Frank Albrecht, the head of the German branch of Peta, the animal rights group, said the bears would be committing incest. Mr Albrecht said that breeding polar bears in zoos could be justified only if it protected the species — but the institutions, with their limited supply, often ended up inbreeding the bears. The result has been a drop in the number of live cub births.
Between 1981 and 1985, 300 polar bears were born in captivity worldwide. Between 2001 and 2005, only 90 were born. Giovanna, in other words, is not the right mate for Knut. Berlin zoo managers have clashed with animal rights groups before. Some campaigners went so far as to suggest that Knut be put down, because he had been raised unnaturally; as a cub he was scooped from his compound and bottle-fed by Thomas Doerflein, his keeper, who later taught him to play football, and fall asleep to Elvis Presley lullabies.
The castration of Knut would cause dismay among his fans around the world and would reduce his market value. A new Knut family, however, could produce a commercial bonanza. As Knut has grown, he has lost some of his cuddliness, and it has been difficult to maintain sales of Knut cups, hats, T-shirts and stuffed toys. The reality is that, despite his celebrity status, he is a normal zoo bear that spends most of the day eating or sleeping. The most likely outcome is, therefore, that Giovanna will be sent away before the bears become sexually mature. “We’ll send Giovanna back to Munich, by the autumn at the latest,” said Heiner Klös, the senior bearkeeper at Berlin Zoo. The search will then begin for a new mate who does not figure in Knut’s family tree.
( source Times Online/03.03.2010)

I will not comment on some of these statements within the articles, just one point which might be of importance, even if both bears mated, the outcome would be a rather tolerable "product" as they are only remotely related with having the same grand-grandfather who by the way spread his genes quite a bit in his times... And just in case if you are interested in some comments, then try these ones for a start...
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