Während sich Knut am Freitag in seiner Höhle von den Strapazen erholte, die es mit sich bringt von Spulwürmern befallen zu sein, (... die übrigens zwischen 17 und 40 cm lang sein können und wie Spaghetti aussehen, wovon sich manche Besucher gestern durchaus selbst ein Bild machen konnten ...)-
While Knut was already on Friday recovering in his den of the grueling side effects of a spoolworm invasion (by the way, these worms can get up to 40 cm and as visitors could watch for themselves yesterday, they look like spaghetti...)
...wurde in Edinburgh/Schottland am Freitag mit großem Brimborium der bereits hochdekorierte Königspinguin Nils Olav zum norwegischen Ritter geschlagen. Sir Nils Olav begann seine steile Karriere im norwegischen Militär 1972 als Maskottchen. Wer bereits an seinem Wissen über die Lebensspanne eines Pinguin gezweifelt hat oder an seinen Fähigkeiten richtig kopfzurechnen, dem sei kurz mitgeteilt, dass es sich bei Sir Nils Olav bereits um einen jüngeren Nachfolger des echten Nils Olav handelt, der in den 80er Jahren nach einem aufopferungsvollen Leben für die Armee dahinschied, sodaß ein Jüngerer Name, Rang und Titel vererbt bekam. Beobachtern des königlichen Zeremoniells zufolge verhielt sich der Pinguin der Situation angemessen würdevoll, ließ jedoch, vermutlich aus Nervosität, ein weißes Häufchen fallen bevor es zum ersten der 2 Schläge kam , die einen zum echten Ritter machen.
English Spiegel-Version
'He's been an honorary member of Norway's elite King's Guard since 1972. And on Friday, Nils Olav, a penguin, was knighted in a special ceremony at the Edinburgh Zoo. Nils Olav has had a number of big days in his military career. In his over 35 years of service, the three-foot-tall soldier has steadily climbed through the ranks of Norway's elite King's Guard and even became honorary colonel in chief in 2005. But Friday's honor is certain to eclipse them all. Nils Olav became Sir Nils Olav in a morning ceremony watched by several hundred onlookers and attended by 130 guardsmen. The occasion took place at the Edinburgh Zoo -- because, as it happens, Norway's newest knight is a penguin. "You, as a penguin, in every way qualify to receive the honor and dignity of knighthood," said a citation from King Harald V of Norway, which was read out during the ceremony. The king's statement also said that the country was "well-satisfied with the loyalty, courage and good endowments of our trusted and well-beloved Nils Olav." Sir Olav himself seemed unflappable for most of the ceremony, waddling past the sharply turned out honor guard, occasionally stopping for a closer look at their shiny uniforms. He did, however, seem unimpressed when the sword came out to tap him on the shoulders and quickly waddled in the opposite direction. The Norwegian guardsmen adopted an Edinburgh penguin as their mascot in 1972, because they often toured the zoo when in Scotland performing at the Military Tattoo, an annual military music festival. The first Nils Olav, named after King Olav V, Norway's regent at the time, died in the 1980s with a young penguin inheriting his name and rank.' More photos of the ceremony here
Und wo wir bereits bei ungewöhnlichen Geschichten sind, hier noch ein kleines Videomärchen von Joaquin Baldwin, gefunden von Betsy... Viel Spaß!And as we are now more or less in the department of unusual stories, so please check out as well following fairy video of Joaquin Baldwin which had been posted as link by Betsy in the rbb blog. It's so beautiful, enjoy!
Nur zur allgemeinen Information:
Hier handelt es sich nicht um den gemeinen Spulwurm!
Just a general info: This is not the ordinary spoolworm!
Photo credits today: Viktor/Knut, Reuters/Sir Nils Olav, Simone/Knut & Oxtail
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1 Kommentar:
Hi I like this video very much.I think he likes nature and animals.It's an interesting dream of changing the world.If we could change the world like this,there would be no pollution.
Stephanie Albert
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