Freitag, 27. Februar 2009

How to stay fit for...Polar Bear Day...

Zu viel gefeiert? Oder etwa krank? Oder in einer Post-Aschermittwochsdepression...?-
Too many parties? Or even caught a cold? Or suffering of a post-ash-Wednesday-depression..?
Dr. Knuts letzte Empfehlungen für die Zeit nach Karneval...-
Dr. Knut's last recommendations for the time after carnaval... Keine Lust mehr auf Möhren und Salat? Folgen Sie doch einfach dem Beispiel von Frau Vera aus Nürnberg: Ein tropisches Frühstück wirkt manchmal Wunder und hilft bestimmt um durch einen langen kalten Winter zu kommen...-
Fed up of carrots and salad already? Follow Misses Vera's advice from Nuremberg: A tropical breakfast can work wonders in order to get through the hardships of a long cold winter...Und manchmal muss man sich vieleicht auch mal kurz zurückziehen...
And sometimes a little break is inevitable...Um beim nächsten Fest wieder voll dabeisein zu können...
To get some power for the next event...
Photo credits: Nene(1), Idefix (2), SimoneF(3), ChristianM(4), Bauzmontage(5), 123Greetings(6)

Montag, 23. Februar 2009

Desmond Morris...and keepers in disguise....

Dieser Artikel war für Dienstag geplant, wie obiges Post-Datum zeigt..-
A little late, it was supposed to be published last Tuesday...

Ich sag es gleich vorneweg,...ich hab nicht viele verkleidete Pfleger getroffen....Und was das mit dem Desmond Morris Artikel zu tun hat..? Lesen Sie selbst , ist leider nur in Englisch, man hat ja keine Zeit heutzutage alles zu übersetzen, ich hoffe , Sie nehmen es mir nicht übel....-

I say it right away, I haven't met too many bear keepers in disguise ...And what that has to do with the article of Desmond Morris...? Read yourself...Today only in English, no time for translations...Hope you won't mind...This article refers to last year and the discussion after the Nuremberg events about hand-rearing of bear cubs, and I know that Mami Simba has kept it always in the archive, just for the carneval season although it is a very serious article...

Why we SHOULD have stepped in to stop a polar bear eating her cubs

Last updated at 13:17 12 Januar 2008

You run a zoo and one of your female animals abandons her babies - what do you do?

Do you allow nature to take its course and let them die young, or do you hand-rear them and risk creating "mental hybrids" - animals who think they are human, even though they belong to a quite different species.That was the dilemma that faced Nuremberg Zoo when their female polar bear, Vilma, ignored the screams of her two starv ing cubs.The zoo authorities took the tough decision to let nature run its course, with the result that the cubs are now dead - eventually eaten by their mother.Although the zoo's decision was not taken lightly and they believed that they were acting correctly, they have been under savage public attack ever since, looked upon as callous monsters and subjected to an international barrage of abuse.

Indeed, such was the outcry that when a second female polar bear, Vera, failed to care for her cub, the keepers hurriedly announced they would intervene and bottle-feed it.As a result, the whole question of the ethics of keeping animals in zoos a t all has again become a hot topic, with the anti- zoo lobby once more demanding the closure of all zoos.To make up one's mind about this issue, calmly and objectively, it is necessary to examine precisely what is meant by "the dangers of hand-rearing".

Put very simply, if you find an abandoned animal that is only a few days old and it is obviously starving because its natural mother has ignored its cries, your deep-seated parental instinct urges you to protect it and feed it.If you are successful, the results are remarkably fulfi lling as the young creature prospers and grows. It may also develop a powerful attachment to you and, if it is a wild animal, may becom e remarkably tame. The problems begin when the hand-reared animal grows up. At this stage it is all a matter of which kind of species it belongs to.

There are three types. The first is the one that remains tame while it is young, but then, of its own accord, becomes wild when it matures. No difficulty there.

The second is the type that remains friendly to its human foster-mum when it becomes adult but is also capable of interacting naturally with other members of its own species. Little problem there.

But the third type - and this is where the difficulties really begin - refuses to have anything to do with its own species when it grows up and considers itself to be a paid-up member of the human species.

This third type - the fully "humanised" animal - will remain confused for the rest of its life, and it is this last type of outcome that the Nuremberg Zoo officials were trying to avoid.

But which animals belong to which of these types?

Last year I visited Tasmania to look for the notoriously aggressive Tasmanian Devil, a wonderfully ugly marsupial predator, and I managed to find some in a local game park. They had been found as an abandoned litter and then hand-reared by one of the game rangers. She had done a marvellous job and the now fully-grown Devils were splendid to behold.When I inquired if they were still tame she shook her head sadly and told me that, when they were about three-quarters-grown, they had suddenly started attacking her, even though she was the known source of "maternal" feeding and had saved their lives.Now, as adults, they were effectively wild animals. Although she was, as a caring "mother", upset by the way they turned on her, the fact is that she had saved them without confusing them.

These were "type-one" animals - capable of being hand-reared without being domesticated in any way.

So, before saying that it is dangerous to hand-rear a particular species, zoo officials should first make sure that they do not belong to this category.

The second type of hand-reared animal can respond to its own kind in a natural way, while at the same time remaining tame with its human "mother".

I once visited the conservationist Anna Merz in Kenya, where she had a hand-reared rhinoceros. Although the animal was now huge, she was still able to take it for a walk like a pet dog - a wonderful sight.

The problem she had was that it loved the spot in her house where she had fed it as a baby and it did everything in its power to get back there. She did her best to keep it out of the house when it grew large, but occasionally, when she wasn't looking, it would sneak back inside and on one occasion became completely jammed in her dining room door. It pushed and shoved until it couldn't get forward any more and couldn't get back either. So it just stood there, twitching its ears and gazing at her. She told me that it had taken a gallon of cooking oil poured over its rough skin to dislodge it.

But despite these hand-rearing hazards, her beloved female rhino, now at last adult, successfully introduced herself to a splendid, wild male rhino and managed to adjust to her own species.

As I said, the problems arise with the third type - the hand-reared wild animal that becomes completely humanised and wants nothing to do with its own species.I myself suffered heartaches with one such animal - a giant panda named Chi-Chi. After being hand-reared, she had arrived at London Zoo, where I was curator of mammals back in 1958, and she had become a star attraction.

She was the only giant panda in the West and caused a sensation during her days as a lively, playful cub, but then she grew up and starting calling for a mate. At the time, visiting Maoist China was out of the question, but I discovered that there was one other giant panda outside the Orient and, happily, that it was an adult male, called An-An.

Unfortunately, he happened to be housed in Moscow Zoo at a time when the East-West Cold War was at its most frigid. Determined to breed baby pandas, I nevertheless flew to Moscow and started negotiations.

The idea of an arranged marriage for the only two pandas outside China drove the Western Press into a frenzy of delight, but the Russians simply believed that I was a spy and tried (unsuccessfully) to trick me into stealing the plans of a secret factory, so that they could throw me in the infamous Lubianka jail.

I managed to avoid making any mistakes and the following year was able to take Chi-Chi to Moscow to mate her with An-An.

The scene was set, and the two famous black-and-white pandas were brought together. Chi-Chi was on heat and An-An was clearly infatuated by his new partner. They circled one another and then he made his move, gently trying to mount her. To our horror, her reaction was to turn on him and swipe him with a powerful paw, knocking him to the ground. He tried again and again, but she would have none if it. Eventually they were separated and, seeing me, Chi-Chi sauntered over and pressed her body to the bars of her cage.

I put my hand through the bars and pressed down on her back. She immediately adopted the "lordosis" position, with a downward arched back, which is the sexual invitation posture of giant pandas.In other words, she was prepared to react sexually to a human being - the species that, long ago, had handreared her as a tiny cub - but was not prepared to respond to a male of her own species. An-An had obviously not been humanised in this way and, despite making a later visit himself to see Chi-Chi in London, never did manage to change her mind.

It is this third type of hand-reared animal that modern zoos are now trying to avoid creating. They do not wish to hand-rear polar bear cubs that might, as adults, refuse - like Chi-Chi - to breed with their own kind.

Today, it is the policy of all major zoos to set up breeding groups of wild animals in enclosures that are as naturalistic as possible, so that, as the years pass, they will never again have to plunder the wild for new specimens.

In-breeding can be avoided by exchanging individual zoo-bred animals between one country and another and, in theory, all the zoos of the world should then be able to continue exhibiting exciting animals that fire the imagination of city children and encourage them to care about wildlife.

If there is a surfeit of a particular species, some of them can then be returned to the wild. Indeed, this has already happened in a number of cases.

So where does all this leave those starving polar bear cubs at Nuremberg Zoo? Was the zoo right to leave them to their fate in order to avoid creating some new, confused "Chi-Chi-like" animals?

Although I understand their motivation, I think they were wrong, for several reasons.

First, did they have strong evidence that polar bears belong to category three - and would never have adjusted to their own species when they became adult? I doubt it.

Second, even if they did belong to category three, why not rear them and allow them to go to other zoos, where they would act as ambassadors for their species, making city children care more about the plight of their increasingly rare, wild cousins.

Of course, we don't want zoo animals to become humanised in this way, but if the only alterative is for them to become pieces of meat to be eaten by their uncaring mothers, then surely there is no choice.We have to save them because, like all zoo animals, they are in our care and are our responsibility.

To ignore this responsibility is to create an image of zoo staff as heartless monsters - as has already happened in Nuremberg.

It is all very well to say "let nature take its course" but nature did not put the mother polar bear in a zoo enclosure in the first place. As soon as that had happened, her offspring became the shared responsibility of her and her human carers. If she failed to play her part, they should have stepped in for her. Their failure to do so in Nuremberg is just one more nail in the coffin of zoo public relations.

If we were dealing with, say, a dog-breeder who deliberately allowed some of his puppies to starve to death because a bitch was ignoring them, he would find himself in trouble with the law.Why should zoo bear cubs be given less protection than domestic puppies?

The zoos will fight back by saying that, had they hand-reared the cubs, it would have meant creating neurotic, semi-tame bears occupying valuable zoo space for years to come.

Their concern is valid, but they seem oblivious to the fact that, by allowing screaming cubs to starve to death when they could easily have been saved by human intervention, they will make the public view zoos not as loving conservation centres but as vile animal concentration camps.

If the zoo authorities then hold up their hands and say, well, what were we to do to avoid creating neurotic, humanised animals, there is one simple answer. They should not attempt to keep in captivity those species that give rise to this sort of problem. They must be more selective.

They can hope to show only a small sample of the huge range of wild species anyway, and there are plenty of exotic animals that are easy to keep in captivity and that breed so freely that the surplus produced can, indeed, be returned to the wild and help the conservation movement.

A final thought: if the Nuremberg zoo keeper is so worried about humanising his bear cubs, why not dress him up in a bear costume when he is bottle-feeding the little ones, to avoid confusing them? And who knows, he might even turn out to be the winner of next year's Turner Prize.
The whole article of Desmond Morris with photos of Vera and Flocke you find here...

Desmond Morris bei Wikipedia/dt.

Desmond Morris on Wikipedia/engl.

Here you find infos about orphaned and hand reared rhinos, here something about Anna Merz

Photo credits: Knut im Karneval(1)/Bauz, Polar bear in boat and with Erich (2, 7)/Erich Wilts, Tasmanian Devil(3)/unknown source, AnnaMerz with Rhino (4), Chi Chi 1964 (5)/found on Internet, Panda(6)/found on Internet

Unfortunately I didn't find a photo of An An....

The photos of Erich Wilts taken in Spitzbergen have a special, different background...another time more to this...Thanks for sharing the photos!

Helau, Alaaf und Happy Birthday, Viktor!

Ob mit Kostüm oder ohne....Heute ist Rosenmontag....

...und da stehen alle Jecken Kopf !!

...und Uhren können da manchmal schon vergessen werden, sogar im Aussenposten.......aber nicht Viktors Geburtstag....

...Also Helau, Alaaf und Happy Birthday, Viktor!

Photo credits: Viktor (1), LeenaP (2,3), SimoneF (4)

Sonntag, 22. Februar 2009

Carsten Schöne remembers....Thomas Dörflein, die Wölfe und einen Journalisten

Wenn ich an Thomas Dörflein denke, habe ich eine Szene vor Augen, die sich in einer Berichterstattung des RBB aus dem Berliner Zoo, ganz unabhängig von der Handaufzucht eines Eisbären ergab.
Ein Medienschaffender, der heute Wissenschaftsjournalismus betreibt un
d mit mir den selben Vornamen, allerdings mit falschem Anfangsbuchstaben, teilt, saß im Gehege der Wölfe und plauderte mit Thomas Dörflein über seine Arbeit. Da der Tierpfleger mitten in selbiger war, saß er nicht gemeinsam mit dem Herren Journalisten auf einem liegenden Baumstamm, sondern stand daneben.
Der Fragesteller trug einen Anorak mit pelzbesetzter Kapuze. Die Frage, ob es sich um Echt- oder Webpelz handelte, ist zwar interessant, aber in diesem Zusammenhang völlig unerheblich. Interessant ist, daß sich die Wölfe für diese Kapuze zu interessieren begannen. Ein ganz vorwitz
iger Wolf schlich sich von hinten an, um das pelzige Ding näher zu inspizieren. Thomas Dörflein sieht es, grinst sich eins und... macht weiter im Text... des Interviews.
Da springt der Wolf nach vorne, will die Kapuze packen, erwischt sie nur ganz leicht - mit einem halben Fangzahn quasi - da ruft ihn schon, mit einem kurzen Wort, Thomas Dörfleins Autorität zur Räson, der Wolf lässt ab und geht seiner Wege.
Das ganze war eine sekundenschnelle Aktion, lang genug aber, um das Gesicht des Medienschaffenden so weiß werden zu lassen, wie es das Fell der Berliner Wölfe ist.Vielleicht interpretiere ich zuviel nachträglich in diese Szene hinein, aber mein Eindruck war, dass Thomas Dörflein nach diesem kleinen Zwischenspiel mehr Spaß an dem Gespräch hatte, als sein medialer Gesprächspartner.


Carsten Schöne
When I think of Thomas Dörflein, I recall one scene which happened to be part of a rbb report about the Zoo Berlin and which was not connected to the hand raising of a polar bear.Someone working for the medias and who is today in science journalism, and who by the way shares my first name except of the first letter, was sitting in the enclosure of the wolves, chatting with Thomas Dörflein about his work. As the keeper was right in the middle of doing it, he was not sitting together with Mr.Journalist on a tree trunk, but standing beside.
The interviewer wore an anorak with a furry coated hood.The question if it was a genuine fur or an imitated one made of fleece, might come up as an interesting one, but was in this context without any importance. More interesting that the wolves started to develop a sort of interest in this hood. A very meddlesome and mischievous wolf sneaked from behind for a closer inspection of this furry thing. Thomas Dörflein, aware of it, is grinning ...and continues with the interview. Suddenly the wolf jumps forward in order to get hold of the hood, catches it slightly, with one fang maybe, when Thomas Dörflein orders him off, using just one brief word but full with authority, the wolf took off and strolled away.An action, not taking longer than some seconds but long enough to change the complexion of that media man into a white not unsimilar to the fur of the Arctic wolv
es of Berlin.. Maybe today I lay too much into this late situation, but I was strongly under the impression that from that moment on, Thomas Dörflein enjoyed the interview much more than the journalist.

Thank you

Carsten Schöne
Ulli J has shared this story with us, I thought it a very suitable one to honour the man who was not only Knut's Mom and Dad but who was also THE man who danced with the wolves...And he really knew how to dance with them...!

Story: in
Carsten Schöne's Zoo reports (scroll down and you find it then)
Photo credits : Viktor (feeding April 1, 2008- you will find more....)

5 Monate... - Thomas Dörflein und die Krähen...

Wahrscheinlich hießen selbst die Krähen Mäuschen... -
Probably even the craws were called Mäuschen...

Photo credits: ChristinaM

Please find here a video uploaded by Retta in December 2008 in rememberance of Thomas Dörflein!

Samstag, 21. Februar 2009

Thilo Uplawski...A tribute to Knut...A very unique one...

Gisela H, danke für das Posten dieses kleinen musikalischen Schätzchens...von Mai 2007!
Und natürlich danke, Thilo Uplawski!

Die Drei von der Scholle....

Nach den Drei Damen vom Grill und natürlich auch den Drei vonne Tankstelle, geht es heute mal zur Abwechslung um 3 andere Berühmtheiten, nämlich Die Drei von der Scholle....Viel Spaß!

Wenn Eisbären zu tief ins Fass schauen ...

Ursus maritimus ist ein Einzelgänger. Sein Revier ist bis zu 100 Quadratkilometer groß. Andere Eisbären sind Konkurrenten und werden nicht geduldet. Das lernt jedes Schulkind in Kanada. Doch Eisbären können bekanntlich weder lesen noch besuchen sie eine Schule. Und so wissen Jack, Jim und Jona nicht, was über sie so alles in Schulbüchern geschrieben steht. Vielleicht ist das gut so. Denn diese drei Eisbären sind ein bisschen anders. Ihr Revier besteht aus einem kleinen Küstenabschnitt der Insel Baffin im Norden Kanadas.Mit der Jagd haben die drei Freunde nicht viel im Sinn. Der Verdacht liegt nahe, dass sie das Erbeuten von wendigen Robben als ein zu mühsames Geschäft ansehen, um damit ihren Lebensunterhalt zu bestreiten. Ihr Metier ist das Theater: Nähert sich ein Schiff, betritt Jack als erster die Bühne (eine Eisscholle). Er zieht den Bauch ein und sieht halb verhungert aus. Mit scheinbar letzter Kraft und großen Gesten hilft er seinen beiden Kollegen, die höchst erbärmlich jaulen, aufs Eis. Selbst hartgesottene Fischer bleiben da nicht gleichgültig und spendieren einen Teil ihres Fangs.

Doch eines Tages sind die Bären weg. Seit Tagen kein Lebenszeichen. Der Inuit-Fischer Sam Inock ist weit hinaus auf die Labrador See gefahren. 200 Seemeilen vor der Küste entdeckt er sie: drei Häufchen Elend auf einer Eisscholle, nicht größer als ein Tennisplatz. Als Sam beidreht, sieht er, dass es tatsächlich Jack, Jim und Jona sind. Und es scheint, als würden sie auch Sam erkennen. Sie springen auf, rennen hin und her – als wollten sie Zeichen geben. Gewiss, Eisbären sind hervorragende Schwimmer. Doch 200 Seemeilen sind auch für sie unmöglich zu bewältigen. Und weil Sam ein gutes Herz hat, nimmt er die Eisscholle samt Besatzung ins Schlepptau und tuckert heimwärts.

Im Kino würde jetzt ausgeblendet werden. Doch diese Geschichte hat ein Nachspiel. Als Sam in der Kneipe von Iqualuit sein Erlebnis erzählt, schließt er: „Ich verstehe nur nicht, wieso die Drei so dämlich waren, sich so weit abtreiben zu lassen?“ „Ich glaube, das kann ich aufklären“. sagt da der Wirt. Gespanntes Schweigen. „Vor vier Wochen ist jemand in mein Vorratslager eingebrochen.“ Pause. „Und was fehlte?“ „Ein Fass Bier hat mir die Bande ausgesoffen. Und alles was ich fand waren Tatzenabdrücke von drei Eisbären ...“

Jutta Junge

The three from the ice floe...or...

When polar bears are looking too deep into the barrel...

Ursus maritimus is a loner. His territory is about 100 square kilometres wide. Other polar bears are rivals and are not tolerated.

This is what every school child learns in Canada. But it's well known, that polar bears cannot read nor are they visiting a school. And so Jack, Jim and Jona don´t know what´s written about them in school books. This might be good. Because these three polar bears are a little bit different. Their territory consists of a little coastal area on the island of Baffin in the north of Canada. The three friends don´t have much in mind with hunting. The suspicion could be possible, that they feel the hunting of agile seals is too troublesome in order to make their living. Their metier is the theatre. Is a ship coming near Jack first appears on the scene (an ice floe). He is sucking his stomach and looks half starved. Obvious with the last of his strength and big gestures he is helping his conspecies, who yowl pitiful, onto the ice. Even hardened fishermen can´t be insensible to that and spend parts of their catch.

But one day the bears are gone. Since days no sign of life. The Inuitfishermal Sam Inock drove far out to the Labrador See.200 sea miles away from the coast he discovers them: 3 pictures of misery on an ice floe not bigger than a tennis place. As Sam comes closer, he recognizes, that there really are Jack, Jim and Jona. And it seems they recognize Sam too. They jump up and race to and fro,- just as they want to give a sign. Of course polar bears are excellent swimmers, but 200 sea miles are also impossible for them to cope with. And because Sam has a good heart he hangs the ice floe and its crew on his boat and chugs homeward.

In the movie it would be blanked out by now. But this story has an epilog. As Sam is telling his adventure in the pub of Iqualuit he is ending with “I just don´t understand why this three were so dump to make so much leeway?” “I think I can elucidate this” the host says. Curious silence. “Four weeks ago someone burgled my store”. Silence. „And what was missing?“ „One barrel of beer the gang drank and all I found were paw prints from three polar bears….”

Jutta Junge


tv Hören und Sehen - Jahr 2003 Nr.36

Entdeckt von UliS, danke! - Discovered by UliS , thanks a lot!

Und wer gleubt, die 3 schon mal irgendwo gesehen zu haben...., liegt richtig, dort nämlich!-
And who thinks to know the 3 already, you are not mistaken...))

Donnerstag, 19. Februar 2009


Zoo Bärlin:
Heute, sehr früh am Morgen.... - Today very early in the morning...
Sind Sie sicher, dass da Mädels kommen...-
You are sure, that real girls are coming over...?Und nach ein wenig In-sich-gehen und ein paar unbeobachteten Momenten....-
And after some moments of deep contemplation and unobserved activities ...
OK, dann. Nun können die Mädels kommen!-
OK, then.Now the girls can come...!

Photo credits: Nene (1), RolandB/Knut (2 und 3 mit Schlips -naja könnte man doch denken...)

Weiberfastnacht...Women's Carnival Day....

Irgendwann in dieser Woche...- Somewhen this week...Gleich geht es los, dürfte ich um Aufmerksamkeit bitten! -
It will start soon, may I have your attention, please!
Das Vorspiel...- The foreplay...Fühlt sich kühl an irgendwie...! - Feels somehow cold...!Habt ihr übrigens schon eine Idee für Weiberfastnacht? -
You got an idea for next Thursday, you know, Women's Carnival Day...?Weiberfastnacht? Himmel, ist das nicht der Tag wo die Mädels mit Scheren und Messern herumlaufen und alles abschneiden , was ihnen in die Quere kommt...?-
Women's Carnival Day?...Oh my, isn't that the day the girls run around with knives and scissors and cut whatever comes between them and the guys...?

Kühler Schnee, und nicht nur warme Gedanken bei Victor und Drumbo..-
Cool snow and not only warming thoughts here...Auch die Mädels scheinen jetzt auf Gedanken zu kommen...-
The ladies too are getting ideas...Knut nebenan bereitet sich schon auf den Ernstfall vor... -
Nextdoors, Knut prepares himself already for the emergency......denn seinen Schlips kriegt niemand, wirklich niemand!-
... his tie won't get anybody!Der Vorsitzende der Herren Pinguine bechließt einstweilen für Donnerstag Krawattenverbot...
"No ties on Thursday" is the clear decision of the penguins chairman here...

Photo credits: Penguins by Roland B., the elephants and bears by Nene

Dienstag, 17. Februar 2009

A new softdrink ....Coming soon...!

Eisbären sind gute Werbeträger... - Polar bears are good advertising mediums...Eine Firma weiß das schon lange...Allein seit 1993 gab es 10 verschiedene Kampagnen mit Eisbären. Aber darum geht es jetzt hier nicht. Auch nicht darum, ob wir hier im Aussenposten meinen, Coca Cola sei unheimlich lecker...36 Esslöffel Zucker in einer Flasche, hmm... -

One company has been knowing that already for some time...Alone since 1993 there have been 10 different campaigns featuring polar bears. But today it's neither about this issue, nor it's about our taste, 36 spoons of sugar in one

Aber nun haben wir letzte Woche den Entwurf einer neuen Kampagne gesehen und müssen es nach dem Studium verschiedenster Artikel in den letzten Tagen loswerden...-

But as since last week we came across the design of a new campaign, together with various articles which we studied thoroughly, we need to say following...

Mein lieber Bär, pass bloß auf und unterschreib den Vertrag mit obiger Firma wirklich erst, wenn du ganz sicher bist, dass sie nicht klammheimlich die Flaschen mit Kuhpipi abfüllen...,
ja, guck nicht so ungläubig...KUHPIPI...-

My dearest bear, take care and sign the contract only if you are 100 % sure that they don't fill the bottles with cow pee...yeah, COW PEE, don't look so inbelievingly...
Das soll der neue Softdrinkhit werden, haben wir uns im Aussenposten sagen lassen, in Indien ist man schon ganz erwartungsvoll und die Kühe stehen auch schon stramm...-

This is supposed to become the absolute softdrink hit, as we have been informed in the outpost, in India everybody is looking forward to the launching this year and the cows too are standing already fully at attention...Hier hat es wohl noch nicht so recht mit dem Pipi-Abfüllen geklappt...-
Here the pee-milking was not yet successful...

Photo credits: ChristinaM (1), Poster 2 , Poster 3, Idefix (Poster 4), Sasa Kral/AP (5), (6)

Related articles: Kuhurin ein ganz besonderer Saft (dt.)
India to launch cow urine as soft drink (engl.)
And for those who are still not it's all about cow pee...

Übrigens, ich habe soviel mehr noch zu diesem Thema gefunden, es würde mir wohl niemand glauben... - By the way , I have found so much more , nobody would believe me....

Sonntag, 15. Februar 2009

Anpassung an die Realtitäten einer müde machenden Umgebung...

Ich bin irgendwie in der Zwickmühle, womit weitermachen? Auf Lager habe ich eine Kuhgeschichte, eine Affengeschichte, eine Papageiengeschichte, mehrere Fotos und Artikel zum Thema Anpassung und Evolution...-
To be honest, I am somehow in a quandary, with what to continue? In my stock there is a cow story, a chimp story, a story about parrots, several photos and articles dealing with evolution business and adaption.... Ganz abgesehen davon, hat auch Oma Lisa wieder was geschickt von ihrer Amerikareise...(nein, nein, keine neue Kandidatin für Knut in Sicht!)...
Ich sitze seit Tagen auf den Fotos und Informationen zu den Waldbränden in Australien und der wunderbaren Rettungsgeschichte von Sam , der kleinen durstigen Koalabärin, die sich gleich nach ihrer Rettung in jemanden namens Bob verguckte... -

Apart from that, Oma Lisa has again sent something in from her US trip...(no, no new candidate in sight for Knut!)... For several days I am also sitting on photos and infos about the Australian wild fires and the wonderful rescue story of Sam , the thirsty little Koala bear girl and already in love with someone called Bob...
Ich würde gerne was zu dem Aalborgbaby machen und auch zum neuen Zuhause von Knut...Großer Bär, sag mir, wo es langgehen soll, bitte!-

I would also like to do something about the first stroll outside of the Aalborg baby in Denmark and to the new home of Knut...Big, great Bear, please tell me what to do...!Du meinst, alles...auf einen Schlag?-
You mean, I should post everything at once right now?

Oder vielleicht erstmal Post beantworten und warten...?-
Or first of all, maybe catching up with my mails, just taking my time...?

Oder vielleicht erstmal ein wenig ausruhen, weil es so heiß bei uns ist?-
Or a little rest, because it's so hot here on our Outpost island....?

Ich glaube, das letztere hat mich überzeugt...-
Oh, you did convince me, I'll do the latter....

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Please follow the links beneath the photos...then you find not only the original sources but also nice videos and other photos , it's worth it....! -
Ich sage nur, clicken lohnt sich , hinter manchen links verbergen sehenswerte Videos oder schöne Fotogalerien...