Mitarbeiter des Louisville Zoos und JoAnne Simerson vom San Diego Zoo für PBI mussten früh aufstehen, ab 3Uhr morgens warteten sie auf Qanniks Flieger...-
Here some pics posted by PBI who were also involved in Operation Snowflake.
Steve Wing (Louisville Zoo) and JoAnne Simerson (San Diego Zoo/PBI) arrived at the airport at 3 a.m. to wait for Qannik's plane

And here she is...

JoAnne Simerson engages in a basic training session with Qannik to gauge her temperament

Qannik takes a well-deserved rest after her long journey
Photo credits:
© Andrew Fore Photography
More photos of Qannik's arrival posted by Polar Bear International on facebook....
And here a video posted by Louisville Zoo after Qannik's arrival, another remarkable video about 'Operation Snowflake' has also been posted by UPS, "Logistics with Teeth".
Please read more about Qannik's first exciting days, -and how she learned to swim-, in Louisville with JoAnne Simerson here:
- Little polar bear orphan/ 01.07.2011
- Little polar bear lessons/ 11.07.2011
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