Wer denkt, ich hätte die ganze Zeit nur auf der faulen Haut gelegen...-
Who thought I had been laying lazily around all time long......liegt falsch. Ganz im Gegenteil...-
...is mistaken. On the contrary... Auch wenn es so aussah, als ob die Luft völlig raus war.... -
Although it looked as if something had vanished into thin air.......ich für meinen Teil habe hart geschuftet....-
....at least I can say that I was busy...
Die Früchte meiner Arbeit gibt es hier...und auch wenn die WM schon wieder seit 3 Wochen vorbei ist, vielleicht interessiert es doch noch jemand, wen und was ich alles in meiner WM-Reportertätigkeit angetroffen habe...-
The fruits of my work can be accessed here....although 3 weeks late, maybe someone is still curious, who and what I have met during my job as FIFA World Cup reporter ....
Auch meine neuen Freunde vom Zoo Johannesburg sind mit von der Partie...
Don't miss the chance to meet my new friends from Zoo Johannesburg...Triton - oder warum Rooney so blaß ausgeschaut hat...-
Meet Triton and you will understand why Rooney looked pale...
Geebee & Wang haben als Vertreter der gastgebenden Nation die hohe Herausforderung prima bewältigt...-
My collegues Geebee & Wang did a great job tackling the enormous challenge as representatives of the host nation...
Es wurde nicht nur gefeiert...-
Just for the records, it was not only partying....
Auch wenn der Pokal nach Oberhausen ging...
Although the Cup went to Oberhausen...
Sehen Sie nun das Match , das beim public voting die meisten Stimmen auf sich vereinigen konnte...-
Watch here the match which got the maximum votes during a public voting campaign...
Photo credits:
-Monika, Doris W, SylviaMicky, Jessie (all Hartmuth's Forum), Zoo Johannesburg, City of Johannesburg Site, Focus
Video credits:
-FIFA Promo on YouTube
Und hier nochmal der Link zu Knuts verspätetem WM Ticker. 32 Nationen-64 Spiele, Eindrücke, Hintergrundinformatonen und Ergebnisse...(wirklich!)...-
Here again the link to Knut's belated World Cup Ticker. 32 nations-64 matches. Impression, background stories, even results...))
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I forgot to say thank you to Betsy who was was always very encouraging and helpful sending some interesting links "to our reporter" showing animals in soccer fever.
Also thanks to everybody whose photos made my days during the tournament...Jens, Charlotte, Mervi , Jessie, Doris, SylviaMIcky, Monika...and special thanks to Caren who did a great job during the tournament. I have mentioned the links in the album, so that everyone who likes can revive your WorldCup views too...
Hope you don't mind having been collected by "Knut" for his WM Ticker...
The album started with the intention to collect information about the bears behind the teams but it quickly got out of hand with all the other interesting pics of animals in soccer fever.
A lot of information gathered about polar bears in the different, participating countries will be presented in the K-files...It was too much...
As to the aother animal pics: Most striking was the enrichment element, a lot of zoos have taken the tournament to provide challenging activities for their animals and I hope very much that this will continue.
Seeing Geebee and Wang, the polar bears of Jo'birg for the first time active (usually they are sleeping on pics), was really a special moment.
And as to Paul, the elegant oracle from Oberhausen, I can only say that I was thrilled. I was born in Oberhausen and believe it or not, I felt for the first time a little proud...)) which might explain the link flood concerning that remarkable creature...
Again Thank You all
Das hast Du wirklich nett und amüsant zusammengestellt. Vielen Dank.
Nachdem ich erst einmal ein bisschen Werbung für Deine Collagensammlung in MERVIs 'knutitours' Knuipe gemacht habe, werde ich mir diese jetzt selbst nochmals genauer ansehen.
PfüDi oder PfüdSi
Jetzt heißt's ja langsam a weng Bayrisch lernen, goii!?, damit wir GIOVANNA und YOGHI allzeit weiterhin 'verstehen' können ;-)
Mach et jott
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