Treibende Eisbären auf der Themse machen Öffentlichkeitsarbeit. Friedlicher Protest gegen die Klimaerwärmung und ihre Folgen, die den Lebensraum und die Eisbären gefährden....- eine Aktion am 26.Januar in London eines neuen Fernsehkanals.
To celebrate the launching of a new TV station, the network built a 16-foot-high sculpture of a mother polar bear and her cub stranded on an iceberg. Also meant to increase awareness about the plight of the polar bear and their dwindling habitat as a result of climate change, the sculpture was sent on January 26 to float down the Thames river.
The 1.5-ton sculpture was created by a team of 15 artists, who worked for 2 months to create the 20-feet by 20-feet sculpture. The mamma bear and her cub started their journey at 6:30 am and traveled for 7.5 miles to reach their destination...More about the floating polar bears, you find here ... Text and photo source here where you can even find a video
Danke für's Finden, UlliJ!
2 Kommentare:
I like this a lot. It is a very dramatic way to bring attention to a very serious problem. And, at the same time, it isn't disruptive and it doesn't annoy anyone.
You should read the comments (one of these links leads to an article, there you will find ithe comments..). I was stunned to see that people felt it was "pathetic", that there were no melting ice cups, and that polar bears are not endangered. I didn't know that literate people would write such stupid things...but I have often been naiv in life...
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